
Stafford Fairborne

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Officer of the British Navy

Sir Stafford Fairborne


Personal Details

Date of Birth1656
Place of Birth
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Date of Death11th November 1742


Naval Service Details



1685BonaventureCommanded the ship in operations against the North African corsairs because Captain Henry Priestman was ill and ashore



30 August 1688RichmondAppointed captin of this hired 28-gun ship (B051)
Fairfax (B051)
1688WarspiteCommanded at the Battle of Beachy Head (B051)
September 1690Present at the seige of Cork and took part in the assault (B051)
1693MonckAs part of the Smyrna convoy escort (W014)
1695Defiance (B051)
July 1696Albemarle (B051)
Victory (B051)
1700VictoryCommodore of the Newfoundland Fishing Convoys (002)
1700TilburyFor service in the Mediterranean (B051)


Rear-Admiral of the Blue

30th June 1701Appointed
April 1702Sent to Ireland with a small squadron to return English troops (B051)


Rear-Admiral of the White

8 May 1702Appointed (B051)
22 June 1702Saint GeorgeDetached from the main fleet to cruise of Cape Finisterre (B051)
8 August 1702Saint GeorgeJoined by Sir George Rooke with the Main Fleet (B051)
12 August 1702Saint GeorgeThe fleet anchored in the Bay of Bulls, off Cadiz (B051)
17 November 1702Saint GeorgeArrived in Spithead (B051)




Vice-Admiral of the Red

6 May 1703Appointed
1703AssociationIn the Mediterranean as second in command to Sir Cloudesley Shovell (B051)
1 July 1703AssociationLeft St Helen's (B051)
24 July 1703AssociationThe fleet arrived of Cascais (B051)
July 1703AssociationSent to Lisbon to inform the Portugese King of th arrival of the combined fleet (B051)
Novmber 1703AssociationReturned to England (B051)
26 November 1703AssociationForced from her anchorage in the Downs by the Great Storm (B051)
May 1704ShrewsburySecond in command to Sir Cloudesley Shovell with the intent to attack the French in Brest (B051)
1705In the Mediterranean as second in command to Sir Cloudesley Shovell (B051)
November 1705Returned to England and struck his flag (B051)
April 1706Appointed Commander of a division of Seven ships of the line and other vessels (B051)
6 May 1706The Squadron left Plymouth for Rochfort and burnt some vessels there (B051)
17 May 1706Returned to Plymouth (B051)
30 May 1706Order to Ostend to support a seige with seven ships of the line, four frigates, a fireship, two bomb ketches and four samller vessels (B051)
25 June 1706Seige of Ostend was completed



Admiral of the White

December 1708 (B051)


Admiral of the Fleet

21 December 1708Appointed, but appears to have held the post for only one day, if at all, as Sir John Leake was appointed on the 22 December 1708 (B051)



Other Details

8 May 1705Elected as Member of Parliament for Rochester, until 1710 (001)
8 February 1706Appointed Naval Commissioner on the Council of the Lord High Admiral (until 20 June 1708)
November 1701Knighted by King William III on board his own ship
1 January 1714Awarded a pension of £600 per annum (B051)


Actions & Battles

27 June 1693Battle of LagosW014
10 July 1690Battle of Beachy HeadB051





001List of English MP's
002List of Officials of Canadian Provinces
W014Anglo Dutch Wars BlogJim Bender
B051Biographia Navalis Vol II PageJohn Charnock

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