Spain divided for many centuries (XIV-XVIII) his naval forces into Armadas (or fleets), to protect his domains.
Each one with a naval base or department with specific purpouses.
Galeras (Galleys) | In 1560, fifty galleys, most of them italian, were defeated by turkish Djerba galey's fleet from Tripoli. King Felipe II ordered the construction of galley's fleets and establisments to protect and patrol mediterranean coasts spanish domains. In 1570 Spain had 150 galleys, divided between the following departments or bases. |
Cartagena | Spanish galley naval base, later moved to Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz. Patrolled between Argel and the Strait of Gibraltar. |
Genoa | Patrolled between Genoa and north of Spain coasts. |
Naples | Patrolled between Genoa and Sicily. |
Sicily | The smallest one, patrolled only Sicily nearby waters. |
Nueva Espanna | Established at Veracruz, Mexico, scorted ships between Veracruz and La Habana. |
Tierra Firme | Established at Portobelo, Panama, scorted ships between Portobelo and La Habana. |
Flandes | Establishe at Dunkerke, France, was used as naval and mitilary base to control spanish domains at Netherlands. |
Barlovento | Created in 1595, this naval base stablishment fought pirates from Caribbean till Florida (Note 1). |
Mar del Sur | Establish at El Callao (Peru), patrolled west coast of South American waters, from Cape Horn to Mexico. |
Mar Oceano | The biggest Armada, created in 1590 and assigned to patrol Atlantic waters, was divided into 3 squadrons. |
Estrecho | Based in Cadiz, patrolled and scorted Strait of Gibraltar naval trafic. |
Lisbon | Based in Lisbon, patrolled between Cape St. Vincent, Cape Finisterre and Azores Islands. |
Vizcaya | Based in La Corunna, patrolled Atlantic north coast of Spain. |
Carrera de Indias | Created in 1576 and the last one in disapear, scorted ships from Filipinas to El Callao (Peru). |
Note 1: For many years, Spain denoted Carebbean islands as Barlovento islands.
Thanks to Selina research, published at
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