
HMXMS Annibal (1778)

Page history last edited by Cy 16 years, 1 month ago

HMXMS Annibal, 74




Nationality French
Started 1778 b086
Named 1778 b086
Launched 1778 b086
Shipyard Brest b086
Plans Jacques-Noel Sane ?
Constructor Jacques-Noel Sane  
Decks 2  
Rate 3rd Rates  
Crew 700 b088
In Service 1778 b086
Next HMXMS Achille
Out Service 1794-jun-01 b086
Fate Captured
Next HBMS Achille 1796-feb




Units Length Keel Beam Depth Draught Weight Displacement Source
French ft. l (m.) k (m.) b (m.) d (m.) d (m.) w (Tn.) D (Tn.)  




Guns Date # lbs # lbs # lbs # lbs Fires Source
74 1778 LGD lbs MGD lbs UGD lbs C+FC lbs lbs (Kg.)  





1779   Chef d'escadre, de la Motte-Picquet. b087
1781   Capitaine de vaisseau, Trémignon l'aîné. b087
1781-04-16 1781-11 Lieutenant de vaisseau, de Galles1. b085
1781-11 1782-09-23 Capitaine de vaisseau, Tromelin. b085
1782-09-23   Capitaine de vaisseau, D'Aymard. b085
1794   Capitaine de vaisseau, Guillaume Jean-Noël la Villegris. w005



Officers's flagship


yyyy-mmm-dd yyyy-mmm-dd Officer's rank and name. source/s


Service Record


yyyy-mmm-dd Place, action, destination, mission, battle... source/s


Actions & Battles


1779-07-06 Battle of Grenada Island2 b085
1779-12-18 Battle of Fort Royal3 b087
1780-03-12 Combats of la Grange4 b087
1781-04-16 Battle of Port Praya 5 b085
1782-02-12 Battle of Sadras b085
1782-04-12 Battle of Providien b085
1782-07-06 2nd Battle of Negapatam b085
1782-09-03 Battle of Trincomale b085
1783-06-12 2nd Battle of Cuddalore b085
1794-06-11 Glorious 1st of June – Combat de Prairial 6 w005




Ship's miscelaneous data. (source/s)

1 Monsieur de Galles is named to the command of the Pourvoyeuse frigate (40 guns)

2 Under Comte d'Estaing, Vice Amiral commanding the fleet (24 ships of the line).

3 Under Lamotte-Piquet. As arriving near Fort-Royal of la Martinique, a convoy, accompanied by the French frigate Aurore is chased by 14 enemy ships of the line. With only 3 ships of the line (Annibal, Vengeur, Réfléchi), La Motte-Piquet sails from the harbor (his broad pennant on the Annibal)and engages 7 british ships, while the rest of the english ships chases the convoy. La Motte-Piquet could not prevent them to take some vessels of the convoy.

4 Under Lamotte-Piquet. the French division of monsieur de Lamotte-Piquet (Annibal, Diadème – 74, Réfléchi – 64, Amphion – 50) against the british division of admiral Peter Parker, the 20th, 21th and 22th of mach 1780.

5 Under the Bailly de Suffren. Monsieur de Trémignon was killed in action.

6 As HMXMS Achille. Taken by HMS Brunswick, try to escape and retaken by HMS Ramilies.




b085 Journal de bord du Bailly de Suffren dans l'Inde
b087 Dictionnaire Vichot
b088 Traité de la construction des vaisseaux par Monsieur du Maitz de Goimpy 1776


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