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HCMS Santisima Trinidad (1769)

Page history last edited by ManuBlasco 14 years, 5 months ago

Santisima Trinidad (3rd), 116

La Real




Graphic copyright of Juan Garcia from www.todoababor.es published here under his authorization.


Nationality Spanish
Ordered 1767-oct-23 b6
Started 1767-oct-01 b6
Named 1768-mar-12 b6
Launched 1769-mar-02 b6
Shipyard La Habana  
Plans Mateo Mullan b6
Constructor Ignacio Mullan b6
Suplier Pedro de Acosta b6
Suplier Juan de Mora b6
Decks 3 1769 
Decks  4 1796
Rate 1st Rates  
Class British  
Crew 960-1,096 b3,b6
In Service 1769-mar-02 b1
Out Service 1805-oct-22 b6
Fate Wrecked  



Units Decks Date Lenght Keel Beam Depth Draught Weight Source
Burgos ft. 3 1769 213'8" 182'5" 57'8" 28'11" - b6
Meters 3 1769 61.42 52.42 16.59 8.31 - - (b6)
Codos 3 1770 100' 85'6" 27' 13'12" 13'12" - s1
Meters 3 1770 57.47 48.99 15.52 7.76 7.76 - (s1)
Burgos ft. 4 1796 220'6" 188' 58' 29'10" 28'9" 2,475 Tn. b6,s1
Meters 4 1796 63.36 54.02 16.67 8.57 8.26 3,758 m3  (b6,s1)
Burgos ft. 4 1796 220'6" 186' 58'4" 28'8" 2,935 Tn. b11
Meters 4 1796 63.36 53.45 16.76 8.24 - 4,456 m3  (b11)



Guns Date # lbs # lbs # lbs # lbs # lbs # lbs Broadside (lbs/kg) Source
116 1769 30 36 32 24 32 12 22 8 1,204 (590)1 b6
46 1769 16 24 16 24 14 8 440 (216)2 b6
116 1770 30 24 32 24 32 12 2 8 16 6 4 3p 998 (489) b6,s1
134 1796 32 36 34 24 36 12 18 8 10 24o 4 4o 1,400 (686) b6
130 1799 32 36 34 24 36 12 18 8 10 24c 1,392 (682) ?
140 1805 32 36 34 24 36 12 18 8 16 24c 4 4c 1,472 (721) b3




1770-feb-19 1770-jul-20 Captain D. Joaquin de Maguna Echezarreta. b6
1770-jul-21 yyyy-mm-00 Commodore D. Pedro Gonzalez de Castejon y Salazar. b6
1778-aug-00 1783-may-12 Captain D. Fernando Maria Daoiz. b6
1783-may-13 1786-mm-00 Captain D. Sebastian de Apodaca. b6
1786-mm-00 1789-mm-00 Commodore D. Pedro Autran. b6
1790-mm-00 1795-mm-00 Captain D. Jeronimo Gonzalez de Mendoza. b6
1796-mm-00 1797-mm-00 Commodore D. Rafael de Orozco. b6
1804-nov-18 1805-oct-22 Commodore D. Francisco Javier de Uriarte y Borja. b6



Flag Officers 

1779-jun-23 1781-oct-05 Admiral D. Luis de Cordova's flagship. b6
1782-apr-16 1783-mm-00 Admiral D. Luis de Cordova's flagship. b6
1796-mm-00 1796-dec-00 Admiral D. Juan de Langara's flagship. b6
1796-dec-00 1797-dec-00 Admiral D. Jose de Cordoba y Ramos's flagship. b6
1805-oct-01 1805-oct-22 Rear Admiral D. Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros. b6


Service Record 

1770-feb-19 Left La Habana to Vigo. b6
1770-apr-12 Arrived to Vigo. b6
1770-may-09 Left Vigo to El Ferrol. b6
1770-may-15 Arrived to El Ferrol. b6
1770-jun-00 Maintenance repairs. b6
1770-jul-21 Left El Ferrol with Guerrero & Santo Domingo for naval test. b6
1770-aug-09 Entered at El Ferrol with Guerrero & Santo Domingo b6
1771-mm-00 At El Ferrol, in ordinary, disarmed. b6
1772-mm-00 At El Ferrol, in ordinary, disarmed. b6
1773-mm-00 At El Ferrol, in ordinary, disarmed. b6
1774-mm-00 At El Ferrol, in ordinary, disarmed. b6
1775-mm-00 At El Ferrol, in ordinary, disarmed. b6
1776-jan-00 At El Ferrol, set to careen & new masts. b6
1776-jun-00 Finished careen & new masts. b6
1778-mar-14 Entered at the dry dock of El Ferrol for modifications 3. b6
1778-mar-28 Finished strutural modifications to solve problems with lower gun decks. b6
1778-apr-00 Left El Ferrol to test structure modifications; the problem persisted. b6
1778-jul-00 Left El Ferrol to Cadiz, to be again modified at La Carraca to solve the problem. b6
1778-aug-07 Entered at Cadiz. b6
1779-jun-23 Left Cadiz with Admiral Cordova's fleet of 42 SoL. b6
1779-jul-23 Nearby Sisargas islands Adm. Cordova's fleet joinned Count of Orvilliers' fleet of 23 SoL. b6
1779-aug-17 Franco-spanish fleet at south of Plymouth, captured Ardent b6
1779-aug-19 Two lightings hit the ship. b6
1779-sep-13 Franco-spanish fleet entered at Brest. b6
1779-nov-09 Left Brest under Adm. Cordova's fleet of 15 SoL to reinforce Langara's fleet blocking of Gibraltar. b6
1779-nov-19 Arrived to waters off Cadiz and waited for Langara's fleet. b6
1779-dec-00 Adm. Cordova's fleet suffered a storm, damaging many ships. b6
1779-dec-31 Entered at Cadiz to repair ships from storm damages. b6
1780-jul-09 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet. b6
1780-jul-18 Entered at Cadiz under Admiral Cordova's fleet. b6
1780-jul-31 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet to patrol Cape St. Vincent. b6
1780-aug-09 Captured 51 british merchantships near Cape St. Vincent. b6
1780-aug-29 Entered at Cadiz. b6
1781-feb-06 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet to cross Cape St. Vincent and waters off Portugal. b6
1781-mar-28 Entered at Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet. b6
1781-may-01 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet to wait for Adm. Solano's fleet from La Habana. b6
1781-jun-19 Entered at Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet due to Adm. Solano's fleet from La Habana delay. b6
1781-jul-20 Arrived to Cadiz Adm. Count Guichen & de La Motte-Picquet with 22 french SoL. b6
1781-jul-23 Left Cadiz as Adm. Cordova's fleet (over 50 SoL) flagship with french forces to Mahon & English Channel. b6
1781-aug-00 At Cape Finisterre as Adm. Cordova's fleet flagship. b6
1781-aug-15 At the English Channel as Adm. Cordova's fleet flagship. b6
1781-sep-05 Count Guichen squadron left Adm. Cordova's fleet to Brest. b6
1781-sep-23 Entered at Cadiz with Adm. Cordova's fleet. b6
1781-oct-05 At La Carraca, Cadiz, set to careen, coppered & changed main mast. b6
1782-apr-15 At La Carraca, Cadiz, finished careen, coppered & changed main mast. b6
1782-jun-05 Left Cadiz for the 2nd Campaign of the English Channel with 27 SoL & 2 frigates. b6
1782-jul-08 Nearby Ouessant island Adm. Cordova's fleet is joinned by 9 SoL of La Motte-Picquet. b6
1782-jul-00 Captured nearby Sisargas islands a british convoy of 19 ships with destination Terranova. b6
1782-sep-05 Entered at Cadiz after the 2nd Campaign of the English Channel. b6
1782-sep-09 Entered at Algeciras. b6
1782-sep-13 Assault & siegto to Gribraltar. b6
1782-oct-03 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet of 46 SoL, 2 frigates & some small vessels. b6
1782-oct-21 Battle of Cape Spartel b6
1782-oct-28 Entered at Cadiz with Adm. Cordova's fleet after the battle. b6
1783-apr-23 Due to peace with britain, by royal order Adm. Cordova's fleet is set in ordinary. b6
1784-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1785-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1786-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1787-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1788-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1789-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1790-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1791-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1792-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1793-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1794-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1795-mm-00 At La Carraca, Cadiz in ordinary, careened and modified again, adding the 4th deck. 4 b6
1796-aug-04 Left Cadiz as Adm. Langara's flagship of 26 Sol & 14 frigates, scorting Rear Adm. Richery french squadron. b6
1796-sep-00 Back to Cadiz under Adm. Langara's fleet. b6
1796-sep-26 Left Cadiz under Adm. Langara's fleet of 26 Sol & 14 frigates to sail the Mediterranean. b6
1796-oct-00 Nearby Cartagena was joinned by 7 more SoL & sailed waters off Corsica & Italy. b6
1796-nov-00 Entered at Toulon under Adm. Langara's fleet. b6
1796-dec-00 Left Toulon under Adm. Langara's fleet & 12 french SoL. b6
1796-dec-20 Entered at Cartagena under Adm. Langara's fleet. b6
1797-jan-10 At Cartagena, ordered to modified again, adding 2 ft. of beam at Cadiz. b6
1797-feb-02 Left Cartagena to Cadiz under Adm. Cordoba's fleet of 27 SoL, frigates & minor vessels. b6
1797-feb-14 Battle of Cape St Vincent b6
1797-mar-03 Entered at Cadiz after avoiding british frigates. b6
1797-mm-00 At Cadiz, in ordinary, careened & repaired. b6
1798-mm-00 At Cadiz, in ordinary. b6
1799-mm-00 At Cadiz, in ordinary. b6
1800-mm-00 At Cadiz, in ordinary. b6
1801-mm-00 At Cadiz, in ordinary. b6
1802-mm-00 At Cadiz, in ordinary. b6
1803-nov-02 At Cadiz, set to careen & coppered. b6
1803-dec-24 At Cadiz, finished careen & coppered. b6
1804-mm-00 At Cadiz, in ordinary. b6
1805-jan-00 At Cadiz, set to careen & fitted. b6
1805-jun-18 At Cadiz, finished careen & set in commission. b6
1805-oct-19 Left Cadiz under Adm. Villenueves' combined fleet. b6
1805-oct-21 Battle of Trafalgar b6
1805-oct-24 Captured by british forces, wrecked about 25-28 miles south of Cadiz due to battle & thereafter storm damages. b6


Battles & Actions 

1782-oct-21 Battle of Cape Spartel
1797-feb-14 Battle of Cape St Vincent
1805-jul-22 Battle of Cape Finisterre
1805-oct-21 Battle of Trafalgar



Mateo Mullan designed & started the ship, but died on November 25th, 1767, followed by his son Ignacio Mullan & Juan de Acosta.

Juan de Acosta also died on May 30th, 1768, followed by Juan de Mora.

1 Design gunnery in plans.

2 Gunnery armed for the maiden trip from La Habana to Vigo in 1770, recorded speeds of 5.5 to 8 knots.

3 During naval testing of summer 1770, was discovered that could only use the lower gun deck in good weather.

4 After the Battle of Cape Spartel, his commander assert again that could only use the lower gun deck in good weather.



"Trafalgar - Corpus Documental", José Ignacio González Aller (b6)

Archivo General de Marian Alvaro de Bazán, "Estados de Fuerza y Vida", leg. 2235/43 (s1)

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