
HCMS Rayo (1749)

Page history last edited by ManuBlasco 5 years, 4 months ago

HCMS Rayo, 80-100 

San Pedro Apostol 


Rayo (80), by Berenguer, MNM

Nationality Spanish
Ordered 1748 b6
Started 1748 b6
Named ?  
Launched 1749-jun-28 b6
Shipyard La Habana b6
Plans Jorge Juan  
Constructor Pedro Torres b6
Supplier La Habana Co. b6
Decks 2 1749
Rate 2nd Rates 1749
Decks 3 1804+
Rate 1st Rates 1804+
Class Rayo  
System Spanish w2
Crew 453-775 b6
Cost 143,640 pesos b6
In Service 1751-jan-31 b6
Out Service 1805-oct-22 b6
Fate Wrecked b6




Units Date Lenght (m.) Keel (m.) Beam (m.) Depth (m.) Draught (m.) Weight Displacement Source
Burgos ft. 1782 180' (51.72) 155' (44.54) 55' (15.80) 27'6" (7.90) 27'4" (7.84) 1,889 ? b6
Burgos ft. ? 198' (56.90) 165' (47.41) 57' (16.38) 28'3" (8.12) 27' (7.76) 1,889 ? w5
Burgos ft. 1801 196' (56.32)   56'10" (16.33)   26'2" (7.52)   3,530.6 b1
Burgos ft. 1804 196' (56.32)   56'10" (16.33)   26'2" (7.52)   3,530.6 b1
Burgos ft. 1805 196' (56.32) 170' (48.85) 56' (16.09) 29' (8.33) 26' (7.47) 1,956 ? b6




Guns Date # lbs # lbs # lbs # lbs # lbs Fires Source
78 1766 30 24 32 18 12 8 4 8     1,424 (697) b53 (1)
82 1782 30 24 32 18 18 8 2 3p     1,446 (708) b6
80 1803 30 24 32 18 18 8         1,440 (705) w5
84 1804 30 36 32 18 18 8 4 24o     1,896 (928) b1
100 1805 30 36 32 24s 30 8 4 28c 4 4o 2,216 (1,085) b6



1751-mar-16 1751-nov-23 Captain D. Anibal Petrucci. b6
1751-nov-00 17??-mm-00 Captain D. Francisco Luis de Leon y Guzman. b6
1762-mm-00 1763-jan-24 Captain D. Jose Solano y Bote. b6
1765-jan-25 yyyy-mm-00 Captain D. Jose de Rojas. b6
1770-dec-00 1771-apr-00 Captain D. Antonio Osorno y Herrera. b6
1777-mm-00 1779-may-27 Captain D. Luis Gordon. b6
1779-may-28 1779-jun-22 Captain D. Jose Varela y Ulloa. b6
1779-jun-23 1780-jul-08 Captain D. Manuel Gonzalez Guiral. b6
1780-jul-09 1781-mar-27 Captain D. Francisco Gil y Lemus. b6
1781-mar-28 1784-mar-15 Captain D. Manuel Gonzalez Guiral. b6
1784-mar-16 1785-apr-06 Captain D. Baltasar de Sesma. b6
1790-feb-00 1792-apr-16 Commodore D. Fernando Reinoso. b6
1792-apr-17 1794-jan-31 Commodore D. Francisco Ordonnez. b6
1796-mm-00 yyyy-mm-00 Captain D. Jose de Ribas. b6
1805-feb-26 1805-oct-22 Captain D. Enrique Macdonnell. b6






















Flag Officers 

1758-may-00 yyyy-mm-00 Admiral D. Andres Reggio. b6
1765-jan-25 1765-aug-11 Admiral D. Juan Jose Navarro. b6
1765-aug-12 yyyy-mm-00 Admiral D. Luis de Cordoba. b6
1779-jun-23 1780-mm-00 Admiral D. Miguel Gaston. b6
1781-apr-00 yyyy-mm-00 Admiral D. Antonio Posada. b6
1784-jun-27 1784-aug-07 Admiral D. Antonio Barcelo. b6
1790-feb-00 yyyy-mm-00 Admiral D. Juan Joaquin Moreno. b6












Service Record 

1751-jan-31 Commissioned, with sails & guns but without crew & captain?. b6
1751-mar-16 Ordered to left to Spain with Princesa, Infante & Galicia b6
1751-sep-08 Finished embarking supplies for the trip to Cadiz. b6
1751-oct-12 Due to water damages quit the departure. b6
1752-mar-01 Finally left with Princesa, Infante & Galicia all with reduced crew. b6
1752-apr-30 Arrived to Cadiz with the above ships, carring tobacco, sugar and timber. b6
1757-oct-00 At Cadiz changed masts for taller ones. b6
1758-mm-00 Set to careen. b6
1758-apr-27 Opened the second keel and sides to be covered again. b6
1758-may-00 Left Cadiz to sail under Adm. Reggio's fleet. b6
1760-jan-02 Entered at Cadiz. b6
1761-jun-00 Set to careen at La Carraca, Cadiz. b6
1762-jan-00 Finished careen. b6
1765-feb-00 Set to more repairs, building and new masts due to be rotten. b6
1765-jun-24 Left with Arrogante, Poderoso, Guerrero, Oriente & 4 more SoL with future queen of Austria Archidukess Luisa Maria to Genoa. b6
1765-jul-17 Arrived to Genoa. b6
1765-jul-25 Embarked future Pricess of Asturias, Princess Maria Luisa de Parma and departed from Genoa. b6
1765-aug-11 Arrived to Cartagena. b6
1765-mm-00 Arrived to Cadiz. b6
1768-aug-00 At Cadiz waiting for repairs & careen because of rotten parts of the hull. b6
1769-feb-00 Entered at La Carraca, Cadiz for careen (1st careen after 20 years of launching date!) b6
1769-apr-00 Finished repairs & careen. b6
1769-nov-24 Commissioned at the Department of Cadiz. b6
1771-apr-00 Set to careen at Cadiz. b6
1774-mm-00 Left Cadiz to El Ferrol. b6
1774-mm-00 Arrived to El Ferrol and set to deep careen. b6
1774-sep-00 Left El Ferrol to Cadiz. b6
1776-jul-00 At Cadiz, set to careen in ordinary. b6
1777-mm-00 At Cadiz in ordinary. b6
1779-jun-23 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet for the English Channel campaign. b6
1779-jul-23 Near Sisargas Islands joinned Adm. Count d'Orvilliers' fleet. b6
1779-aug-14 With the french-spanish fleet at the English Channel. b6
1779-sep-13 With the french-spanish fleet entered at Brest due to crew sickness. b6
1780-jan-13 Left Brest under Com. Gaston's squadron to block Gibraltar from Cape Saint Vincent. b6
1780-feb-08 Arrived to Cadiz without any masts. The rest of the squadron with damages due to bad weather. b6
1780-jul-09 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's squadron. b6
1780-jul-18 Enterd back at Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet. b6
1780-jul-31 Left Cadiz to patrol Cape St Vincent again under Adm. Cordova's fleet. b6
1780-aug-09 Captured british convoy of 51 ships with destination Bombay & Jamaica, carring troops & suplies. b6
1780-aug-29 Returned to Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet and is joined by Vice Adm. Count d'Estaing. b6
1780-oct-30 Left Cadiz. b6
1780-nov-01 Entered back at Cadiz due to bad SSW weather. b6
1781-feb-06 Left Cadiz to patrol Cape St Vincent & waters off portugal under Adm. Cordova's squadron. b6
1781-mar-28 Arrived to Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's squadron. b6
1781-may-01 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's squadron to scort the fleet coming from La Habana. b6
1781-jun-19 Returned to Cadiz because the fleet from La Habana did not departed on time. b6
1781-jul-20 Arrived to Cadiz 22 french ships under Vice Adm. Count of Guichen & La Motta-Picquet. b6
1781-jul-23 Left Cadiz with 50 french-spanish ships of the line to the English Channel. b6
1781-aug-00 The french-spanish fleet near Cape Finisterre. b6
1781-aug-15 The french-spanish fleet at the English Channel. b6
1781-sep-05 Some french ships left the fleet to Brest and the rest returned to Cadiz. b6
1781-sep-23 The rest of french-spanish fleet arrives to Cadiz. b6
1782-jan-04 Left Cadiz to patrol Cape St Vincent, Spartel & Lagos, left Com. Borja's squadron to Guarico (St. Domingo). b6
1782-feb-10 Entered at Cadiz with the rest of the squadron. b6
1782-jun-05 Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet of 27 SoL & 2 frigates to break british blockage of Brest. b6
1782-jul-08 Vice Adm. La Motte-Picquer with 9 ships joinned Adm. Cordova's fleet near Ouessant island. b6
1782-aug-00 With the french-spanish fleet captured a british convoy of 19 ships. b6
1782-sep-09 Arrived to Algeciras to assault Gibraltar. b6
1782-sep-13 Assault & siege of Gibraltar. b6
1782-oct-03 Left Cadiz? b6
1782-oct-20 Battle of Cape Spartel. b6
1782-oct-28 Entered at Cadiz. b6
1783-apr-23 Signed the peace treaty, Adm. Cordova's squadron was set in ordinary (disarmed). b6
1783-jul-00 Set to careen & coppered at La Carraca, Cadiz. b6
1783-aug-00 Finished careen & coppered at La Carraca, Cadiz. b6
1783-dec-00 Set in commissioned (armed and fitted). b6
1784-apr-25 Left Cadiz to Cartagena with 5,000,000 pesos. b6
1784-apr-30 Arrived to Cartagena. b6
1784-jun-27 Left Cartagena for the Campaign of Argel. b6
1784-jul-10 Arrived to Argel. b6
1784-jul-23 Left Argel after 8 assaults. b6
1784-jul-27 Entered at Cartagena. b6
1784-aug-13 Left Cartagena to Malaga & the Strait with San Fermin, Colon & brig Atocha. b6
1784-sep-28 Arrives to Malaga. b6
1784-oct-25 Transported from Malaga to Mazalquivir (Oran), Sevilla's Regimient with San Fermin, Colon & brig Atocha. b6
1784-oct-29 Arrived to Mazalquivir, Oran. b6
1784-oct-31 Left Mazalquivir, Oran to Cartagena. b6
1784-nov-05 Arrived to Cartagena with the rest of the division. b6
1784-nov-11 Left Cartagena to Cadiz, alone. b6
1784-nov-16 Entered at Cadiz. b6
1784-nov-00 Set in ordinary (disarmed). b6
1785-jan-00 Set in commission urgently. b6
1785-feb-03 Left Cadiz to Mahon with Pilar & Loreto transporting Guadalajara's regiment. b6
1785-feb-07 Arrived to Mahon. b6
1785-feb-14 Left back to Cadiz, stopping at Cartagena & Malaga due to bad weather. b6
1785-apr-06 Entered at Cadiz. b6
1785-apr-07 Set in ordinary (disarmed). b6
1790-feb-00 Campaign of Nutka. b6
1790-dec-00 Entered at Cadiz. b6
1790-dec-00 Set in ordinary (disarmed) at Cadiz. b6
1798-mm-00 At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. b6
1799-mm-00 At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. b6
1800-mm-00 At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. b6
1801-mm-00 At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. b6
1802-mm-00 At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. b6
1803-mm-00 At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. b6
1804-may-12 Set to careen, coppered and rised a 3rd deck & 100 guns by engineer D. Honorato de Bouyon. b6
1804-nov-30 Finished and set in ordinary, at Cadiz disarmed. b6
1805-aug-27 Commissioned to join the french-spanish fleet instead of Terrible due to damages with his crew. b6
1805-oct-21 Captured by the british at the Battle of Trafalgar b6
1805-oct-25 Stranded near Arenas Gordas beach. b6
1805-oct-31 Set on fire by the british frigrate Naiad. b6










































































































































Actions & Battles 

1782-oct-20 Battle of Cape Spartel
1805-oct-21 Battle of Trafalgar





(1) These armament was in wartime due to 1766 spanish royal ordenances (b53).

(2) Adm. Navarro's fleet: Rayo (80) flagship, Real Fenix (80), Triunfante (70), Princesa (70), Firme (70), Conquistador (70), Dichoso (70), Glorioso (70), Monarca (70), Vencedor (70), Guerrero (70), Venus (34), Palas (34) and tartanas Sancti Espiritu & Santa Barbara.


Sources (research by Santiago Gomez

RGM, agosto-septiembre 1986, Valeriano Gutiérrez Macías, "José Solano Bote, un marino del secarral cacereño".

RHN, año 1985, nº 9, José Ignacio González-Aller Hierro, "El navío de tres puentes en la Armada española".

RHN, año 2004, nº 87, José Quintero González, "La arboladura en la construcción naval del siglo XVIII".

Dionisio de Alsedo y Herrera, "Descripción de los tiempos de España", edición de José maría Sánchez Molledo.

Justo Zaragoza, "Piraterías y agresiones de los ingleses en la América española".

Antonio Ferrer del Río, "Historia del reinado de Carlos III", Tomo III.

Cesáreo Fernández Duro, "Disquisiciones náuticas", Tomo V.

Cesáreo Fernández Duro, "Armada española". Tomos VII y VIII.

Carlos Majías Tavero, "Los navíos españoles en la batalla de Trafalgar".

José Ignacio González-Aller Hierro, "La Campaña de Trafalgar (1804-1805)" Corpus Documental. (b6)

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