1751-jan-31 |
Commissioned, with sails & guns but without crew & captain?. |
b6 |
1751-mar-16 |
Ordered to left to Spain with Princesa, Infante & Galicia |
b6 |
1751-sep-08 |
Finished embarking supplies for the trip to Cadiz. |
b6 |
1751-oct-12 |
Due to water damages quit the departure. |
b6 |
1752-mar-01 |
Finally left with Princesa, Infante & Galicia all with reduced crew. |
b6 |
1752-apr-30 |
Arrived to Cadiz with the above ships, carring tobacco, sugar and timber. |
b6 |
1757-oct-00 |
At Cadiz changed masts for taller ones. |
b6 |
1758-mm-00 |
Set to careen. |
b6 |
1758-apr-27 |
Opened the second keel and sides to be covered again. |
b6 |
1758-may-00 |
Left Cadiz to sail under Adm. Reggio's fleet. |
b6 |
1760-jan-02 |
Entered at Cadiz. |
b6 |
1761-jun-00 |
Set to careen at La Carraca, Cadiz. |
b6 |
1762-jan-00 |
Finished careen. |
b6 |
1765-feb-00 |
Set to more repairs, building and new masts due to be rotten. |
b6 |
1765-jun-24 |
Left with Arrogante, Poderoso, Guerrero, Oriente & 4 more SoL with future queen of Austria Archidukess Luisa Maria to Genoa. |
b6 |
1765-jul-17 |
Arrived to Genoa. |
b6 |
1765-jul-25 |
Embarked future Pricess of Asturias, Princess Maria Luisa de Parma and departed from Genoa. |
b6 |
1765-aug-11 |
Arrived to Cartagena. |
b6 |
1765-mm-00 |
Arrived to Cadiz. |
b6 |
1768-aug-00 |
At Cadiz waiting for repairs & careen because of rotten parts of the hull. |
b6 |
1769-feb-00 |
Entered at La Carraca, Cadiz for careen (1st careen after 20 years of launching date!) |
b6 |
1769-apr-00 |
Finished repairs & careen. |
b6 |
1769-nov-24 |
Commissioned at the Department of Cadiz. |
b6 |
1771-apr-00 |
Set to careen at Cadiz. |
b6 |
1774-mm-00 |
Left Cadiz to El Ferrol. |
b6 |
1774-mm-00 |
Arrived to El Ferrol and set to deep careen. |
b6 |
1774-sep-00 |
Left El Ferrol to Cadiz. |
b6 |
1776-jul-00 |
At Cadiz, set to careen in ordinary. |
b6 |
1777-mm-00 |
At Cadiz in ordinary. |
b6 |
1779-jun-23 |
Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet for the English Channel campaign. |
b6 |
1779-jul-23 |
Near Sisargas Islands joinned Adm. Count d'Orvilliers' fleet. |
b6 |
1779-aug-14 |
With the french-spanish fleet at the English Channel. |
b6 |
1779-sep-13 |
With the french-spanish fleet entered at Brest due to crew sickness. |
b6 |
1780-jan-13 |
Left Brest under Com. Gaston's squadron to block Gibraltar from Cape Saint Vincent. |
b6 |
1780-feb-08 |
Arrived to Cadiz without any masts. The rest of the squadron with damages due to bad weather. |
b6 |
1780-jul-09 |
Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's squadron. |
b6 |
1780-jul-18 |
Enterd back at Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet. |
b6 |
1780-jul-31 |
Left Cadiz to patrol Cape St Vincent again under Adm. Cordova's fleet. |
b6 |
1780-aug-09 |
Captured british convoy of 51 ships with destination Bombay & Jamaica, carring troops & suplies. |
b6 |
1780-aug-29 |
Returned to Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet and is joined by Vice Adm. Count d'Estaing. |
b6 |
1780-oct-30 |
Left Cadiz. |
b6 |
1780-nov-01 |
Entered back at Cadiz due to bad SSW weather. |
b6 |
1781-feb-06 |
Left Cadiz to patrol Cape St Vincent & waters off portugal under Adm. Cordova's squadron. |
b6 |
1781-mar-28 |
Arrived to Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's squadron. |
b6 |
1781-may-01 |
Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's squadron to scort the fleet coming from La Habana. |
b6 |
1781-jun-19 |
Returned to Cadiz because the fleet from La Habana did not departed on time. |
b6 |
1781-jul-20 |
Arrived to Cadiz 22 french ships under Vice Adm. Count of Guichen & La Motta-Picquet. |
b6 |
1781-jul-23 |
Left Cadiz with 50 french-spanish ships of the line to the English Channel. |
b6 |
1781-aug-00 |
The french-spanish fleet near Cape Finisterre. |
b6 |
1781-aug-15 |
The french-spanish fleet at the English Channel. |
b6 |
1781-sep-05 |
Some french ships left the fleet to Brest and the rest returned to Cadiz. |
b6 |
1781-sep-23 |
The rest of french-spanish fleet arrives to Cadiz. |
b6 |
1782-jan-04 |
Left Cadiz to patrol Cape St Vincent, Spartel & Lagos, left Com. Borja's squadron to Guarico (St. Domingo). |
b6 |
1782-feb-10 |
Entered at Cadiz with the rest of the squadron. |
b6 |
1782-jun-05 |
Left Cadiz under Adm. Cordova's fleet of 27 SoL & 2 frigates to break british blockage of Brest. |
b6 |
1782-jul-08 |
Vice Adm. La Motte-Picquer with 9 ships joinned Adm. Cordova's fleet near Ouessant island. |
b6 |
1782-aug-00 |
With the french-spanish fleet captured a british convoy of 19 ships. |
b6 |
1782-sep-09 |
Arrived to Algeciras to assault Gibraltar. |
b6 |
1782-sep-13 |
Assault & siege of Gibraltar. |
b6 |
1782-oct-03 |
Left Cadiz? |
b6 |
1782-oct-20 |
Battle of Cape Spartel. |
b6 |
1782-oct-28 |
Entered at Cadiz. |
b6 |
1783-apr-23 |
Signed the peace treaty, Adm. Cordova's squadron was set in ordinary (disarmed). |
b6 |
1783-jul-00 |
Set to careen & coppered at La Carraca, Cadiz. |
b6 |
1783-aug-00 |
Finished careen & coppered at La Carraca, Cadiz. |
b6 |
1783-dec-00 |
Set in commissioned (armed and fitted). |
b6 |
1784-apr-25 |
Left Cadiz to Cartagena with 5,000,000 pesos. |
b6 |
1784-apr-30 |
Arrived to Cartagena. |
b6 |
1784-jun-27 |
Left Cartagena for the Campaign of Argel. |
b6 |
1784-jul-10 |
Arrived to Argel. |
b6 |
1784-jul-23 |
Left Argel after 8 assaults. |
b6 |
1784-jul-27 |
Entered at Cartagena. |
b6 |
1784-aug-13 |
Left Cartagena to Malaga & the Strait with San Fermin, Colon & brig Atocha. |
b6 |
1784-sep-28 |
Arrives to Malaga. |
b6 |
1784-oct-25 |
Transported from Malaga to Mazalquivir (Oran), Sevilla's Regimient with San Fermin, Colon & brig Atocha. |
b6 |
1784-oct-29 |
Arrived to Mazalquivir, Oran. |
b6 |
1784-oct-31 |
Left Mazalquivir, Oran to Cartagena. |
b6 |
1784-nov-05 |
Arrived to Cartagena with the rest of the division. |
b6 |
1784-nov-11 |
Left Cartagena to Cadiz, alone. |
b6 |
1784-nov-16 |
Entered at Cadiz. |
b6 |
1784-nov-00 |
Set in ordinary (disarmed). |
b6 |
1785-jan-00 |
Set in commission urgently. |
b6 |
1785-feb-03 |
Left Cadiz to Mahon with Pilar & Loreto transporting Guadalajara's regiment. |
b6 |
1785-feb-07 |
Arrived to Mahon. |
b6 |
1785-feb-14 |
Left back to Cadiz, stopping at Cartagena & Malaga due to bad weather. |
b6 |
1785-apr-06 |
Entered at Cadiz. |
b6 |
1785-apr-07 |
Set in ordinary (disarmed). |
b6 |
1790-feb-00 |
Campaign of Nutka. |
b6 |
1790-dec-00 |
Entered at Cadiz. |
b6 |
1790-dec-00 |
Set in ordinary (disarmed) at Cadiz. |
b6 |
1798-mm-00 |
At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. |
b6 |
1799-mm-00 |
At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. |
b6 |
1800-mm-00 |
At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. |
b6 |
1801-mm-00 |
At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. |
b6 |
1802-mm-00 |
At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. |
b6 |
1803-mm-00 |
At La Carraca, Cadiz needed of careen. |
b6 |
1804-may-12 |
Set to careen, coppered and rised a 3rd deck & 100 guns by engineer D. Honorato de Bouyon. |
b6 |
1804-nov-30 |
Finished and set in ordinary, at Cadiz disarmed. |
b6 |
1805-aug-27 |
Commissioned to join the french-spanish fleet instead of Terrible due to damages with his crew. |
b6 |
1805-oct-21 |
Captured by the british at the Battle of Trafalgar |
b6 |
1805-oct-25 |
Stranded near Arenas Gordas beach. |
b6 |
1805-oct-31 |
Set on fire by the british frigrate Naiad. |
b6 |
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