HBMS Windsor Castle (1858)
Page history
last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago
Windsor Castle, 110 Guns
Source | William Loney RN - Background | Burthen | 3,101 |
Date | Guns | Lower Gundeck | Middle Gundeck | Upper Gundeck | Quarter Deck | Forecastle | Roundhouse | B/S Weight | Source | | | | | | | | | | |
Date From | Date to | Rank/Position | Name | Source | | | | |
Date From | Date to | Rank | Name | Source | | | | |
Date From | Date To | Rank/Position | Name | Source | | | | |
Service record
1869/01 | Gunnery training ship at Porsmouth, replacing Cambridge | W025 | 1869/01 | Renamed Cambridge | | 1908/06/24 | Sold to Cox for breaking up at Falmouth | W025 |
Never fitted for sea
W025 | William Loney RN - Background |
HBMS Windsor Castle (1858)
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