1762/09/04 | Completed at a cost of £26,492.17.2d including fitting | B057 |
1763/02 | Paid off | B057 |
1763/02 | Recommissioned for North America | B057 |
1766/10 | Paid off | B057 |
1767/03 | Started a small repair and refit at Portsmouth | B057 |
1767/03 | Recommissioned | B057 |
1767/04 | Completed repair and refit at a cost of £3,799.2.2d | B057 |
1767/05/20 | Sailed for North America | B057 |
1771/03 | Paid off | B057 |
1771/09/12 | Surveyed | B057 |
1773/05 | Started a large repair and refitt at Deptford | B057 |
1775/04 | Recommissioned as flagship for the Newfoundland station | B057 |
1775/05 | Completed repair and refit at a cost of £19,614.18.7d | B057 |
1775/06/09 | Sailed for the Newfoundland station | B057 |
1777/02 | Recommissioned | B057 |
1777/04/14 | Sailed for Newfoundland | B057 |
1778/04/28 | Sailed for Newfoundland | B057 |
1779 | In the Channel | B057 |
1779/04 | Began a refit and coppering at Plymouth | B057 |
1779/05 | Completed refit and coppering at a cost of £4,650.19.9d | B057 |
1779/09 | Sailed to the relief of Guernsey | B057 |
1779/10/31 | Sailed for the Lisbon station | B057 |
1779/11/11 | In company with Tartar took the Santa Margarita | B057 |
1780/07/03 | Took the Artois (38) | B057 |
1780/07/06 | Took the Perle (18) off Finisterre | B057 |
1781/03/13 | Sailed for the East Indies as convoy escort | B057 |
1781/07/21 | Took part in the attack on Dutch East Indiamen in Saldahna Bay | B057 |
1781/11 | Returned home | B057 |
1782/03 | Recommissioned | B057 |
1782/10/17 | Took the privateer Comte de Bois-Goslin (12) off Ushant | B057 |
1783/01 | Recommissioned | B057 |
1783/04 | Paid off | B057 |
1790/04 | Started a great repair and refit at Woolwich | B057 |
1792/03 | Recommissioned | B057 |
1792/05 | Completed repair and refit at a cost of £31,375 | B057 |
1792/06/18 | Sailed for the Mediterranean | B057 |
1794/06/17 | Took the French frigate Sybille in Mykonos Harbour | B057 |
1795/06/18 | Sailed for Newfoundland | B057 |
1796/05/24 | Sailed for Newfoundland | B057 |
1797/04/28 | Sailed for Newfoundland | B057 |
1803/04 | Returned to Chatham and paid off | B057 |
1803/06 | Started refitting at Chatham | B057 |
1803/08 | Completed refitting at a cost of £7,847 | B057 |
1804/11/19 | Wrecked on the Haak Sand off Texel with the loss of eleven men drowned | B057 |
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