

Page history last edited by ManuBlasco 1 year, 8 months ago

New Three Decks Website

We have been busy and have developed a new interactive, dynamic and
searchable data driven website to hold our information.

You can visit this site at http://threedecks.org/index.php

Please use the email links on the site to let us know what you think,
good or bad and any suggestions for improvements or different
data presentations and search criteria you would like to see.




OF SAIL, 1700-1860

Design, Construction, Careers and Fates


Rif Winfield,
John Tredrea,
Enrique García-Torralba
and Manu Blasco


After many years of work and research, we are pleased present this book that covers the last one of the key navies from the era, completing all former published works.


The book is available from the following site:


Pen & Sword Books




 Image from Empire Totalwar - www.totalwar.com


What is this about? Want to collaborate? Help and more click here.




Links without page are shown as the ones with.

So, click to a link without page will require access permision to create it (go back please).

We are highlighting in green active links...it will take us a while (+3,300 pages).

We are also indicating the number of ship's records available in each section (ships with records/ships listed - %)

0% indicates that there is only a list of ships but any of them have individual records.


Project crew

Here are the active members of the crew and here the updates on progress.




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