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Cloudesley Shovell

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 10 months ago

Officer of the British Navy

Cloudisley Shovell

Page Heirarchy:Home:Great Britain:British Personalities:British Commissioned Officers:British Officers S

Personal Details
Date of Birth1650B051
FatherJohn Shovell (1625-1653)
MotherAnne Jenkinson (1628-1709)
DaughterElizabeth (1692-1750)
DaughterAnne (1696-1741)
WifeElizabeth Hill (d April 1732)
Date of Death1707/10/23W032
Naval Service Events
ShipDate fromDate ToEventSource
1659Entered service as a cabin boy to Sir John NarboroughB051
Prince Royal1672/01/221672/09/17As MidshipmanW031
Fairfax1672/09/17As Masters MateW031
Henrietta1672/111673/09/23As Masters MateW031
Henrietta1673/09/231675As Second LieutenantW031
Promoted to Lieutenant, 25th September 1673W032
Harwich16751677/05/03As LieutenantW031
1675/03/04Lead a boat attack on Tripoli Harbour, burning four vessels without losing a manB051
Plymouth1677/05/031677/09As LieutenantW031
Promoted to Post Captain, 17th September 1677W032
Sapphire1677/09/171679/04As CommanderB051
Phoenix1679/041679/05As CommanderB051
Sapphire1679/051680/07As CommanderB051
1679/11One of a party of officers and seamen landed to assist in the defence of Tangiers, where he was slightly woundedB051
Nonsuch1680/071680/09As CommanderB051
Sapphire1680/091681/04As CommanderB051
James Galley1681/041686/11As CommanderB051
James Galley1681/09In company with took the Algerine corsair Half Moon (32) B051
James Galley1681/12In company with drove ashore and later burnt the Flower-pot (34) B051
James Galley1683/01/16Captured a SaiteasB051
James Galley1685/02Chased a corsair of 28 guns into portB051
James Galley1686/11Returned to EnglandB051
Anne1687/041688/04As CommanderB051
Dover1688/041689/04As CommanderB051
Edgar1689/041689/10/24As CommanderW031
Edgar1689/05/01At the Battle of Bantry Bay
Monck1689/10/24As CommanderW031
1690Cruising the Irish sea in support of the armyB051
1690Assisted in the reduction of Duncannon CastleB051
1690Commodore of the squadron which convoyed William III to IrelandB051
Promoted to Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 3rd June 1690W032
1691Served as Rear-Admiral to Sir George Rooke transporting William to HollandB051
1691Joined the main fleet under Sir Edward RussellB051
1691/10Commanded the squadron bringing William back from HollandB051
1692Commanded a squadron in the Smyrna Convoy debacleB051
Royal William1692As Flag OfficerB051
Promoted to Rear-Admiral of the Red, 20th January 1692W032
Promoted to Admiral of the Blue, 3rd July 1693W032
1694Commanded a squadron under Lord Berkley in the Camaret Bay expeditionB051
1694Commanded the fleet which sailed to Dunkirk, but achieved nothingB051
Promoted to Vice-Admiral of the Red, 16th April 1694W032
1695Commanded a squadron in the bombardment of St MaloB051
1695/07Commanded a squadron in the unsuccessful attack on DunkirkB051
Montagu1696/04/13As Flag OfficerB051
Promoted to Admiral of the White, 6th May 1702W032
Triumph1703/031704/03As Flag OfficerB057
Triumph1704/03Paid OffB057
1704/12/26Appointed Rear-Admiral of EnglandW032
Britannia1705/021707/08As Flag OfficerB057
Britannia1705/02In the MediterraneanB057
Association17071707/10/22As Flag OfficerB029
Association1707/07At the seige of Toulon until AugustB029
Britannia1707/08Paid offB057
Association1707/10/22Wrecked on the Scilly Isles with the loss of all on boardB029
Personal Events
1650/11/25Baptized at Cockthorpe, on the north Norfolk coastW031
1695Elected Member of Parliament for Rochester, a seat he retained until his deathB051


Monumental inscription in Westminster Abbey

Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Knt. Rear-Admiral of Great Britain; Admiral, and Commander in Chief of the Fleet; the just Rewards of his long and faithful Services; He was deservedly beloved of his Country, and esteemed, though dreaded, by the Enemy; who had often experienced his Conduct and Courage. Being Shipwreckt on the Rocks of Scilly, in his Voyage from Toulon, the 22d of October, 1707, at Night, in the 57th Year of his age.


His fate was lamented by all; but especially the Sea-faring Part of the Nation, to whom he was a worthy Example. His Body was flung on the Shoar, and buried with others in the Sands; but being soon after taken up, was placed under this Monument; which his Royal Mistress has caused to be erected, to commemorate his steady Loyalty, and extraordinary Virtues.


B051Biographia Navalis - Volume IIJohn Charnock

W032Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal NavyDavid Bonner Smith

W031Oxford Dictionary of National BiographyOxford University Press

B051Biographia Navalis - Volume IJohn Charnock

B057British Warships in the Age of Sail 1714 - 1792Rif Winfield

B029The Royal Navy Vol IIWilliam Laid Clowes

Last Updated :2008/11/10 at 23:05:15 by Cy

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