Charles James Adams
Page Heirarchy:Home:Great Britain:British Personalities:British Commissioned Officers:British Officers A
Personal Details |
Wife | Ann Jane Forster | |
Father-in-Law | William Forster Esq of Downstown co Meath | |
Father | Reverend Dr Benjamin Adams | |
Son | William (d 1851) | |
Son | ? (lieutenant in the army) | |
Son | ? | |
Daughter | ? | |
Daughter | ? | |
Daughter | ? | |
Daughter | ? | |
Date of Death | 1853/08/23 | |
Place of Death | Shercock, county of Cavan, Ireland | |
Naval Service Events |
Ship | Date from | Date To | Event | Source |
| 1807/05/08 | Entered the Navy | B080 |
Porcupine | 1807/05/08 | 1809/00/00 | As 1st Class Volunteer | B080 |
Mercury | 1809/00/00 | 1810/00/00 | As Midshipman | B080 |
Imperieuse | 1810/00/00 | 1814/00/00 | As Midshipman | B080 |
Apollo | 1814/00/00 | 1815/03/00 | As Midshipman | B080 |
Promoted to Lieutenant, 6th March 1815 | W032 |
| 1815/03/06 | Went on to half pay on his promotion to Lieutenant | B080 |
Personal Events |
Date | Event | Source |
1812/10/04 | Married Ann Jane | |
1827/11/00 | Appointed High Sheriff of County Cavan., Ireland | |
Marriage Notice
Extracted from Nick Reddan's Webpage
"In Leixlip church, Charles James ADAMS Esq of the Royal Navy to Ann Jane only daughter of the late William FORSTER Esq of Downstown co Meath "
Appointment as Sheriff for Count Cavan, Ireland
From the The Kilkenny Independent, Wednesday, November 27, 1827
Names of the Gentlemen returned by the Judges of Assize to serve the Office of High Sheriff for the ensuing year:-
CAVAN-Andrew Bell, Esq. George Burrowes, Esq. Charles James Adams, Esq.
Obituary of Charles James Adams
On the 23rd of August this good man died suddenly of appoplexy, whilst he was walking in his garden at Shinan-house, in the neighbourhood of Shercock, county of Cavan.
The death has plunged into the depths of grief, a large circle of friends and relations, whilst to the (illegible) of his own locality his removal is an irreparable (illegible),
As he was one of the best of men--a magistrate, and a resident landlord, who loved his home and his country--it is but justice due to departed worth to (illegible) record some memorial of one of so beloved in life and lamented in death. This memorial the writer--who knew him long and well--wishes to in-(?) in a Cavan paper, and as he was a subscriber to the Anglo-Celt, he trust its publisher will give publicity to his paper to the following outline of his character:--
Charles James ADAMS was the youngest son of the Dr. Benjamin ADAMS, who spent a long life as a Clergyman of the Established Church, in this county, in early life, he was a curate at Shercock, afterwards he returned to his beloved "Retreat", near Cootehill, where he died in extreme old age.
Charles died rather young--62 was the number of the years, as we saw it inscribed on his coffin. His constitution was naturally strong, but it is likely it suffered a good deal--during the hard service he went through at sea--during the wars with the French. He was a Captain in the Navy, and returned at the end of the war with French. Of late years, he suffered a good deal in health, by periodical attacks of the gout; and the death of his son, William, some two years since, deprived him of his daily companion; and he wept his loss, I may say, every day since his death.
Two sons survive him, the eldest is a lieutenant in the army, and is now sailing, it is supposed, with his regiment to the East. The youngest is still spared to weep over the tomb of the best of fathers.
He had four daughters, all married, two of them to clergymen of the Established Church, and the others to gentlemen of property, in Cavan and Monaghan.
His wife died many years ago, and Mr. ADAMS remained almost alone, for some time past, and felt very acutely his isolated condition. This feeling of loneliness was after all a blessing; it drove him to seek society in good books, and he spent several hours every day in reading his bible, and other religious works. For several years before his death, he had a presentiment(?) that his end was near, and this feeling wrought a salutary change in his moral sentiments, weaned him from the things of earth, and pointed his eye to a better land.
The religious tone of his conversation gave evidence of the happy state of his mind, which was ever reverting to the ideas and sentiments, which were supported by daily converse with the Holy Scriptures.
These writings fed his mind with good thoughts, and they lent a softening influence to his feelings and conversation; he had a tender heart, which often melted at the sight of woe; and his abounding charities during the long years of famine, which left many a family homeless, and helpless have left his name and kindness deep engraved on the memory of many a sorrowing widow and orphan, who shared his bounty, and were fed around his doors, and some- times supplied with his own hands.
He loved society, and his hospitality was carried sometimes to an extreme; he felt so happy in his circle of friends; delighted so much in hearing and telling the stories and anecdotes of the years he once had seen; that it seemed as if his age was renewed, and his spirits revived, when he entertained those friends he loved to meet around the festive board.
By habit, taste and education, he was a conservative in his politics, a protestant in his religious views--and was not a bigot. The liberty he claimed for himself he nobly extended to others--to think, judge and act on their own responsibility.
There was but one genus, a rather strange one, it is true which his heart loathed. It comprised that mongrel race of libertines, who are ever talking of civil and religious liberty--but are utterly unfit for and unworthy of either.
He was the open and many opponent of turbulent bad men and we never remember seeing him more excited in spirit, then, when he was once rebuking a little knot of agitators, who were for stirring up bad feelings in the neighbourhood, and by their mischievous schemes deluding the poor people, who are ever the dupes of heartless demagogues.
The death of such a man is a heavy loss to more than his friends-- it will be long felt by his domestics and dependents.
He was not only a benefactor to the destitute poor, who abounded in his populace and poor locality, but he was a large employer, he kept on his lands a number of hands all the year round, and now that he is gone, who will employ these labourers? With him they earned their daily bread, and without work they cannot live. To the neighbouring class, his death is a heavy blow--it will be long felt--they showed that they felt their own loss, as they followed in tears the hearse that bore away their benefactor to his last resting place.
Last Updated :2008/10/10 at 20:35:27 by Cy
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