Cayetano Valdes
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by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago
D. Cayetano Valdes y de Flores Bazan y Peon
17th Capitan General de la Armada
Born | 1767-sep-28 | @ Sevilla | Guardiamaria | 1781-apr-23 | Midshipman | Alferez de fragata | 1782-dec-21 | Frigate's Sub Lieutenant | Alferez de navio | 1783-sep-26 | Ship's Sub Lieutenant | Teniente de fragata | 1785-jun-14 | Lieutenant | Teniente de navio | 1788-jun-07 | First Lieutenant | Capitan de fragata | 1791-mar-01 | Commander | Capitan de navio | 1794-jan-25 | Post Captain | Brigadier | 1802-oct-05 | Commodore | Jefe de Escuadra | 1805-nov-09 | Rear Admiral | Teniente General | 1809-mar-09 | Vice Admiral | Capitan General | 1835-jan-27 | Admiral of the Fleet | Died | 1835-feb-06 | @ San Fernando, Cadiz |
Cayetano Valdes
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