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Cap de la Roque

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Battle of Cap de la Roque

22nd May 1703


On 21st May 1703 a large merchant fleet consisting of about 110 English and Dutch ships transporting mainly salt, but also wine and sugar, left Lisbon for England. There were five escorting Dutch ships. The next day near Cabo da Roca (fr: Cap de la Roque) they encountered the squadron of Coetlogon composed of five large warships.


The Dutch Squadron of Commodore Roemer Vlacq

Ship's NameGunsCommanderNotes

Muiderberg50Roemer VlacqFlagship

Gaesterland46Thys de Wit
Beschermer44Jacob Teengs
Rotterdam54Samuel Forman
Rozendaal36Johan Boreel
The French Squadron of Alain Emmanuel de Coetlogon

Ship's NameGunsCommanderNotes







Description of the action

The Dutch ships engaged the French in an attempt to allow the convoy to escape, which it did. The Muiderberg was sunk and the other four vessels taken. Captain Roemer Vlacq died of his wounds in Toulon on 17th July 1703.





Comments (1)

deslandesherve@... said

at 8:59 pm on Jan 8, 2009

vaisseaux .......capitaines :
VAINQUEUR... Coetlogon
MONARQUE... d'Ailly
EOLE... de Mons
COURONNE ... Dreux de Chateau-Renault

source: c. de la RONCIERE

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