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British Officers L
Page history
last edited
by Peter Gill 15 years, 8 months ago
Page Heirarchy:Home:Great Britain:British Personalities:British Commissioned Officers
All Commissioned Officers |
Name |
Born |
Died |
Entered |
Lieutenant |
Commander |
Captain |
LAngle, Merrick de |
1753/05/18 |
L'Angle, Merrick de |
1753/05/18 |
1734/03/02 |
1742/11/13 |
L'Anson, M |
L'Estrange, Samuel |
1708/06/12 |
L'Hostein, Gustavus |
1673 |
Lacey, John |
1741/04/14 |
Lackey, John |
1800/02/10 |
Lacon, Henry James |
1810/11/27 |
1823/11/05 |
1835/03/21 |
1842/12/23 |
Lacy, Edward Lacy |
1833 |
1845/12/13 |
Ladd, Charles Pybus |
1790/06/17 |
1873 |
1805/09/01 |
1815/02/07 |
Lafargue, Charles Augustus |
1845/06/25 |
Laffer, Nathaniel |
1781 |
1798/07/01 |
1809/05/10 |
1847/07 |
Lafiter, Augustus |
1741/06/09 |
Laforey, Sir Francis |
1835 |
1789/08/26 |
1790/11/22 |
1793/06/05 |
Laforey, John |
1748/04/12 |
1755/05/24 |
1758/07/26 |
Laforey, Loftus |
1760/04/11 |
Laing, Andrew |
1744/07/14 |
Laing, George |
1800/06/02 |
Laird, David |
1762/07/02 |
1778/05/18 |
1787/12/01 |
1807/11/03 |
Laird, Francis |
1673 |
Lake, Edward |
1820/04/06 |
1827/08/20 |
1841/11/23 |
Lake, Francis |
1673 |
Lake, Henry |
1665 |
Lake, James |
1707/03/21 |
Lake, John |
1796/03/17 |
1805/07/20 |
1809/09/16 |
Lake, Thomas |
1694/09/26 |
Lake, Thomas |
1750/04/15 |
1726/07/20 |
1741/12/02 |
Lake, The Hon Warwick |
1804/05/07 |
1806/01/22 |
1808/09/23 |
Lake, Willoughby |
1810/08/18 |
1821/05/18 |
1827/08/20 |
Lake, Willoughby J |
1829/04/03 |
1840/11/04 |
Lake, Willoughby Thomas |
1773 |
1847/02/18 |
1780/09/01 |
1790/11/20 |
1794/11/25 |
1796/01/04 |
Lamb, James Thomas |
1808/12/22 |
1815/03/01 |
Lamb, John |
1801 |
1808/06/20 |
1846/05/07 |
Lamb, Lewis |
1802/08/09 |
Lamb, Phillip |
1782/09/09 |
1802/04/29 |
Lamb, William |
1800/05/22 |
1790/11/13 |
1798/01/02 |
Lambart, The Hon Oliver William Matthew |
1822/08/26 |
1837/06/11 |
1844/10/11 |
Lambe, John |
1796/03/04 |
Lambe, Robert Charles |
1812/11/18 |
Lambert, Charles |
1790/06/28 |
1804/07/01 |
1813/12/06 |
Lambert, David |
1703 |
1661/05/20 |
Lambert, Edward Henry Gage |
1846/11/09 |
Lambert, George Robert |
1796 |
1869/06/05 |
1809/04 |
1805/05/05 |
1822/01/19 |
1825/08/08 |
Lambert, Henry |
1758/10/27 |
1800/07/18 |
Lambert, Henry |
1813 |
1801/04/15 |
1803/04/05 |
1805/04/10 |
Lambert, James |
1661 |
Lambert, James |
Lambert, James |
1808/09/08 |
Lambert, John |
Lambert, John |
1693/09/28 |
Lambert, John |
1796/02/11 |
1814/06/15 |
Lambert, Robert |
1767 |
1747/06/12 |
Lambert, Robert |
1754/07/03 |
1759/01/10 |
1760/02/18 |
Lambert, Robert |
1772 |
1836 |
1791/08/01 |
1795/05/04 |
1796/04/11 |
Lambert, Thomas |
1700/02/16 |
1696/10/20 |
Lambert, Thomas |
1697/10/29 |
Lambert, William |
1788 |
1847 |
1800/02/06 |
1808/05/07 |
1845/04/30 |
Lambert, William Leigh |
1828/09/12 |
1842/06/19 |
Lamborn, John |
1794/04/17 |
1802/04/29 |
1810/10/21 |
Lambrick, John |
1848/08/18 |
1783 |
1796/05/23 |
1830/11/16 |
Lamming, Thomas |
1664 |
1666 |
Lamont, James |
1798/12/28 |
1805/10/16 |
1838/04/18 |
Lampen, Augustus |
1815/02/15 |
Lampen, John |
1782/01/03 |
Lancaster, Henry |
1791/05/12 |
1805/09/14 |
1813/10/20 |
Lancaster, Robert Daniel |
1783/10/06 |
1796/08/22 |
1805/02/26 |
Lancaster, Samuel |
1692/03/15 |
Land, Henry |
1660 |
Land, Robert |
Landless, William |
1796/06/03 |
1860/80/50 |
Lane, Charles |
1777/12/08 |
Lane, Charles Henry |
1807 |
1777/09/06 |
1785/09/23 |
1790/11/22 |
Lane, David |
1794/07/30 |
Lane, Dennys |
1846 |
1832/05/24 |
1841/10/27 |
Lane, John |
1810/06/15 |
Lane, John Edward |
1801 |
1811/01/17 |
Lane, John William |
1809/06/08 |
1828/12/13 |
Lane, Lewis |
1779/03/23 |
Lane, Lionel |
Lane, Michael |
1777/10/27 |
Lane, Odairne Morgan |
1790/11/14 |
Lane, Richard |
1799 |
1781/01/16 |
1790/11/22 |
1794/05/24 |
Lane, Thomas |
1799/10/04 |
Lane, William |
1795/04/17 |
Lane, William |
1815/03/11 |
Lane, William |
1805/08/13 |
1815/03/13 |
Lang, Gustavus |
1690/04/13 |
Lang, Richard |
1800/01/05 |
1760/04/11 |
Langdon, George |
1739/08/31 |
Langdon, John |
1799/09/06 |
Langdon, Richard |
1812/03/21 |
Langdon, William |
1743/09/31 |
1753/12/08 |
1756/06/05 |
Langdon, William |
1744/07/20 |
Langdon, William |
1811/10/29 |
Langely, John |
1777/01/20 |
Langford, Frederick |
1800/04/25 |
1802/04/29 |
1806/11/28 |
Langford, George |
1797/12/16 |
1801/04/27 |
1808/03/05 |
Langford, John |
1760/12/10 |
Langford, Richard |
Langham, John Henry |
1779/02/25 |
Langlands, Roger |
1812/07/24 |
Langley, George |
1780/03/18 |
Langley, John Arnold |
1720/06/30 |
Langley, Samuel |
1809/02/10 |
Langley, Stephen |
1804/05/20 |
Langley, Thomas |
1665 |
Langley, William |
1815/02/03 |
Langreek, James |
1665 |
Langrish, Thomas |
1694/02/06 |
Langstaffe, Thomas |
1706/02/25 |
1840/03/01 |
Langston, Anthony |
1665 |
1666 |
Langton, William |
1815/02/01 |
Lanham, Joseph |
1781/08/15 |
Lanphier, Vernon |
1808/11/26 |
Lanyon, William |
1779/08/23 |
1814/03/17 |
Lapenotiere, Frederick |
1780/05/06 |
Lapenotiere, John Richards |
1770 |
1834/01/19 |
1794/04/29 |
1805/11/06 |
1811/08/01 |
Lapidge, William Frederick |
1860 |
1814/04/90 |
Lapp, John |
1811/02/07 |
Lapper, Nathaniel |
1809/05/10 |
Lapsley, John |
1812/11/20 |
Lapslie, Andrew |
1796/07/14 |
Lapthorn, John |
Lapthorne, John |
1697/05/05 |
Larcom, Joseph |
1764 |
1818 |
1782/12/07 |
1794/07/06 |
1795/07/24 |
1814 |
Larcom, Joseph Pafford Dickson |
1795 |
1850 |
1814/09/26 |
Larcom, Thomas |
1804/04/24 |
1779/02/25 |
1794/06/23 |
1794/10/21 |
Large, Thomas |
1660 |
Largue, James |
1778/02/04 |
1794/07/06 |
Larkan, Robert |
1780/04/28 |
1794/07/06 |
1796/09/16 |
Larke, William |
1802/07/01 |
Larmour, John |
1784/06/28 |
1795/07/08 |
1800/04/16 |
Laroche, Christopher |
1793/09/11 |
1798/08/18 |
1800/10/90 |
Laroche, Henry |
1790/11/15 |
1806/01/23 |
Lascelles, John Francis |
1807/04/28 |
1814/08/27 |
Lascelles, Michael |
1806/01/31 |
Lash, Joseph |
1759/07/20 |
Lash, Joseph Henry |
1778/04/17 |
Lasham, Richard |
1801/01/20 |
Lasinby, Louis |
1741/02/02 |
Lassells, Ralph |
1665 |
Laston, Samuel Honrigold |
1815/02/15 |
Lately, John |
1673 |
Lately, Oliver |
1688/05/31 |
Lately, Philip |
1668 |
Latham, Thomas |
1762/02/13 |
1741/08/10 |
1745/07/15 |
1747/03/14 |
Laton, Charles |
1704/11/11 |
1703/03/02 |
Laton, John |
1690/01/02 |
1688/06/23 |
Laton, Sheldrake |
1776/04/22 |
1734/03/02 |
1741/08/25 |
1756 |
Lauga, Thomas Robinson |
1815/03/13 |
Laugharne, John |
1776/06/25 |
1787/12/01 |
1790/11/22 |
Laugharne, Morgan |
1777/03/17 |
1780/11/04 |
1809/10/25 |
Laugharne, Thomas |
1797 |
1759/11/07 |
1783/09/14 |
1790/11/03 |
Laugharne, Thomas |
1805/03/25 |
Laugharne, Thomas Lamb Poulden |
1806/08/08 |
1811/02/12 |
Laugharne, William |
1806/11/14 |
1814/09/23 |
Laughorne, Arthur |
1660 |
1661 |
Launder, Philip Watson |
1790/11/03 |
Lauzon, Francis Daniel |
1811/02/02 |
Lavender, James Robert |
1815/02/18 |
Lavers, Richard |
1806/08/04 |
Lavett, John |
1782/06/10 |
Lavie, Sir Thomas |
1790/11/04 |
1795/11/09 |
1801/01/01 |
Law, Andrew |
Lawder, George |
1739/08/14 |
Lawes, Joseph |
1728/10/28 |
Lawes, Joseph |
1741/03/16 |
1721/06/01 |
1722/10/28 |
Lawes, William |
1757/02/02 |
Lawford, John |
1777/12/23 |
1787/12/01 |
1793/12/01 |
Lawless, Henry |
1814/04/27 |
Lawless, Paul |
1813/10 |
1801/09/29 |
1818/09/19 |
Lawnce, James |
1695/09/15 |
1693/01/12 |
Lawrence, Daniel |
1808/05/19 |
1810/05/19 |
Lawrence, Edwin |
1802/06/17 |
Lawrence, George |
1794/10/22 |
Lawrence, George Ball |
1803/09/08 |
Lawrence, Henry |
Lawrence, Humphrey |
1738/01/10 |
1703/01/21 |
Lawrence, Jacob |
1795/09/29 |
Lawrence, Jacob |
1798/04/04 |
Lawrence, James |
1847/10/30 |
1802/01/13 |
Lawrence, John |
1692/03/21 |
Lawrence, John |
1794/03/01 |
1804/08/25 |
Lawrence, John |
1799/06/28 |
1808/03/30 |
Lawrence, Joseph |
1683/05/01 |
Lawrence, Paul Sandby |
1801/05/06 |
Lawrence, Peter |
1758/11/17 |
1727/02/11 |
1734/12/23 |
1739/07/16 |
1755 |
Lawrence, Thomas |
1747/12/09 |
1692/02/10 |
1704/10/18 |
Lawrence, Thomas |
1813/12/29 |
Lawrence, William |
1802/04/29 |
Lawrie, Sir Robert |
1848/01/07 |
1790/11/12 |
1795/06/25 |
1797/07/17 |
Lawrie, Thomas |
1759/07/10 |
Lawrie, Thomas |
1761/11/14 |
Lawry, Mark |
1666 |
Lawry, Richard |
1793/10/05 |
Laws, William |
1723/12/17 |
1731/03/05 |
1748 |
Lawson, Aaron |
1665 |
Lawson, Henry |
1734 |
1708/07/31 |
Lawson, Hugh |
1762/11/06 |
Lawson, Sir John |
1665/06/13 |
1660 |
Lawson, John |
1793/05/23 |
1797/06/26 |
1810/10/21 |
Lawson, Joseph |
1780/05/08 |
Lawson, Philip |
1681 |
Lawson, Robert |
1807/02/10 |
Lawson, Thomas |
1665 |
Lawson, William |
1664 |
Lawson, William |
1814/12/23 |
Layman, William |
1768 |
1826 |
1800/09/12 |
1804/05/08 |
Layton, Buxton |
1815/02/10 |
Le Bas, Nicholas |
1807/06/30 |
Le Blanc, George |
1806/10/01 |
Le Breton, Francis |
1795/03/26 |
Le Cras, Sir Edward |
1739/12/11 |
1748/02/24 |
1755/02/04 |
Le Febvre, William |
1741/08/22 |
Le Feuvre, John |
1806/03/31 |
Le Geyt, George |
1797/01/27 |
1803/05/28 |
1812/08/12 |
Le Hardy, Thomas P |
1848/06/18 |
9999 |
Le Hunte, Francis |
1811/09/26 |
1814/06/15 |
Le Maistre, Charles |
1778/07/09 |
Le Mesurier, Edward |
1815/03/24 |
Le Mesurier, William |
1796/11/16 |
Le Neve, Anselm Peter |
1814/07/25 |
Le Neve, Richard |
1673/08/10 |
1666 |
1671 |
Le Visconte, Henry |
1800/10/27 |
Le Visconte, Philip |
1801/05/23 |
Lea, John Robert |
1794/10/03 |
1798/09/22 |
Lea, William |
1741/07/17 |
Leach, James |
1797/03/18 |
1810/10/21 |
Leach, John |
1796/08/23 |
Leader, John |
1702/01/18 |
1691/01/05 |
Leak, John |
1759/01/05 |
Leake, Andrew |
1704/08/13 |
1690/08/07 |
Leake, Henry |
1810/11/24 |
Leake, Henry Martin |
1814/10/14 |
Leake, Sir John |
1720/08/21 |
1688/09/14 |
Leake, John Sebastian |
1758/10/27 |
Leake, Richard |
1721/02/24 |
1705/08/20 |
Leake, William Thomas Martin |
1802/04/22 |
Lean, James Sedgwick |
1810/01/04 |
Leary, Daniel |
1815/02/16 |
Leary, John |
1789 |
1758/09/30 |
1765/07/13 |
Leaver, Charles Tovey |
1797/03/13 |
Leaver, Robert |
1776/12/16 |
Leaver, Robert Giffard |
1795/04/04 |
Leaver, William |
1740/08/29 |
1747/05/10 |
Leaver, William Henry |
1815/02/22 |
Leavey, Samuel Price |
1794/07/17 |
Lechmere, Charles |
1807/12/11 |
1815/09/18 |
Lechmere, Edmund |
1815/02/03 |
Lechmere, John |
1815/02/03 |
Lechmere, William |
1774/12/20 |
1782/09/23 |
1790/09/21 |
Leckie, John |
1783/09/20 |
Lecky, James |
1777/07/14 |
1790/11/22 |
1794/12/08 |
Ledgant, William |
Ledger, Edward |
1666 |
Ledger, Edward |
1790/11/17 |
Ledger, John |
1702/01/21 |
Lee, Fitzroy Henry |
1751/04/18 |
1722/03/15 |
1728/10/25 |
Lee, James |
1795/08/27 |
Lee, John |
1779/04/03 |
1797/07/06 |
Lee, Richard |
1739/08/31 |
Lee, Sir Richard |
1782/02/28 |
1791/12/26 |
1794/06/07 |
Lee, Thomas |
1770 |
1755/04/12 |
1760/11/21 |
1763/07/14 |
Lee, Thomas |
1777/02/07 |
Lee, Thomas |
1800/01/11 |
1782/01/23 |
1790/11/22 |
Lee, Thomas |
1835 |
1811/02/19 |
Lee, William |
1665 |
Lee, William |
1796/05/06 |
Leech, Robert |
1848/12/04 |
1811/07/26 |
Leef, Thomas |
1793/08/12 |
1797/11/29 |
Leeke, Henry John |
1810/11/24 |
1814/06/15 |
1826/05/27 |
Leeke, Thomas Samuel |
1806/11/07 |
Lefevre, Charles Gore |
1775/10/15 |
Lefroy, Christopher H B |
1805/02/13 |
Legard, Thomas |
1782/07/19 |
Legat, Thomas |
1665 |
Legeyt, Matthew |
1758/08/01 |
1799/12/27 |
Legg, George |
1711/02/19 |
Legg, Julian |
1711/02/16 |
Legg, Thomas |
Leggatt, Richard |
1778/11/30 |
Legge, Sir Arthur Kaye |
1789/08/03 |
1790/11/19 |
1793/02/06 |
Legge, The Hon Edward |
1747/09/19 |
1734/03/02 |
1738/07/26 |
Legge, George |
1741/05/06 |
1755/03/11 |
1756/12/02 |
Legge, John |
1739/08/31 |
1746/07/19 |
Legge, Julian |
1762/06/29 |
1746/05/06 |
Legge, Thomas |
1688/05/24 |
1688/11/26 |
1690/04/11 |
Legge, Thomas |
1712/02/28 |
1704/08/15 |
Leggett, Benjamin |
1814/11/29 |
Legros, John |
1794/08/01 |
1803/06/18 |
Leigh, Benjamin |
1795/03/10 |
Leigh, Edward |
1697/11/25 |
Leigh, Jodrell |
1808/02/29 |
Leigh, Thomas |
1741/09/16 |
Leigh, Thomas |
1796/12/11 |
Leigh, Thomas |
1814/01/26 |
Leighton, Edward |
1750/03/27 |
1747/06/10 |
1749/01/09 |
Leighton, Henry |
1673 |
Leighton, John |
1685 |
1688/06/15 |
Leighton, Thomas |
1679/05/10 |
1683/07/12 |
Leighton, Thomas |
1690/10/09 |
1688/06/23 |
Leitch, William |
1745/05/18 |
Leith, John |
1809/10/10 |
1815/06/13 |
Leith, William Forbes |
1804/05/07 |
1814/06/15 |
Lemage, Thomas |
1797/10/23 |
Lemoine, Francis |
1755/11/01 |
Lemoyne, John Thomas |
1805/05/25 |
Lempriere, George |
1794/07/15 |
Lempriere, George Ourry |
1807/03/25 |
1813/01/31 |
Lempriere, Thomas |
1763/12/29 |
1741/08/11 |
1757/06/10 |
1759/02/22 |
Lendrick, John |
1780 |
1746/06/04 |
1756/06/30 |
1758/12/26 |
Lennock, Charles Adam |
1800/11/29 |
Lennock, George Gustavus |
1777 |
1866 |
1795/05/08 |
1806/08/06 |
1814/06/04 |
Lenox, James |
1760/06/13 |
Lenox, Joseph |
1796/06/23 |
Leonard, Robert |
1693/04/15 |
1690/05/03 |
Leonard, Solomon |
1673 |
Lepine, George |
1815/09/19 |
Leroux, Frederick James |
1800/04/25 |
Leschen, Christian |
1797/08/08 |
Lesingham, Thomas |
1759/12/07 |
Lesley, William |
1815/02/10 |
Leslie, Charles |
1775/12/29 |
1757/05/24 |
1762/04/07 |
1765/06/20 |
Leslie, Lachlan |
1762/03/31 |
1733/04/14 |
1744/09/08 |
Leslie, Patrick |
1755/06/23 |
1779/03/04 |
1780/01/26 |
Leslie, Samuel |
1800/10/16 |
1811/03/01 |
1812/07/31 |
Leslie, Thomas |
1763/03/26 |
Leslie, Walter |
1814/08/24 |
Leslie, William |
1766/12/02 |
1756/07/16 |
1763/03/20 |
Lessly, Andrew |
1782/10/18 |
Lessly, John |
1790/04/04 |
1779/04/01 |
Lester, William |
1808/07/06 |
Lestock, Richard |
1643 |
1713/05/12 |
1667 |
Lestock, Richard |
1643 |
1713/05/18 |
1691/01/06 |
Lestock, Richard |
1679/2/22 |
1748 |
1706/04/29 |
Letch, Charles |
1805/03/19 |
Letchmere, Edward |
Letchmore, Edmund |
1704/01/16 |
1699/03/16 |
Lethbridge, Robert |
1811/01/17 |
Lethbridge, Thomas |
1780/07/23 |
1815/04/05 |
Levell, Thomas |
1809/01/27 |
Leventhorpe, Edward |
1664 |
Leverick, James |
1806/01/31 |
Leveson, Robert |
1697/07/27 |
Levett, John |
1782/06/10 |
Levett, John |
1794/01/27 |
Levett, John |
1796/09/01 |
Levinge, R T J |
1848/04/24 |
9999 |
Lew, Henry Padon |
1806/01/22 |
Lew, James |
1812/07/02 |
Lew, John |
1812/11/20 |
Lewes, Robert Riddell |
1803/03/07 |
Lewes, Thomas |
1761/11/20 |
1781/05/10 |
1782/06/07 |
Lewes, William |
1805/03/23 |
Lewin, Gregory Allnutt |
1814/12/23 |
Lewin, Richard John |
1808/12/27 |
1814/11/04 |
Lewis, Benjamin |
1813/07/19 |
Lewis, Francis James |
1798/05/14 |
Lewis, Francis James |
1805/09/11 |
Lewis, Frederick |
1806/01/29 |
Lewis, Henry |
1758/04/01 |
Lewis, Henry |
1806/09/09 |
Lewis, Henry |
1810/02/10 |
Lewis, Henry |
1815/02/06 |
Lewis, Henry William |
1814/04/05 |
Lewis, Isaac |
1760/01/11 |
Lewis, James Dalton |
1803/04/24 |
Lewis, James Edward |
1799/08/26 |
Lewis, John |
1796/05/04 |
Lewis, John Carteret |
1790/09/30 |
1781/07/15 |
Lewis, John Joseph |
1773/06/23 |
Lewis, John Mason |
1835 |
1790/11/02 |
1796/04/14 |
1801/01/01 |
1832/06/09 |
Lewis, Joseph |
1799/11/15 |
Lewis, Joshua |
1759/03/30 |
Lewis, Theophilius |
1797/06/12 |
Lewis, Theophilius |
1805/06/13 |
Lewis, Theophilius Caractacus |
1809/07/26 |
Lewis, Thomas |
1761/11/20 |
Lewis, Thomas |
1777/07/18 |
Lewis, William |
1847/11/23 |
1799/08/09 |
9999 |
Ley, Andrew |
1693/01/15 |
1710/01/26 |
Ley, George |
1813/12/06 |
Ley, George Stephen |
1796/12/29 |
Ley, James |
1618 |
1665/06/03 |
Ley, Thomas |
1702/12/19 |
1678/04/16 |
1688/10/24 |
Ley, Thomas |
1720/06/23 |
Ley, Thomas Arthur |
1757/03/21 |
1782/06/29 |
Ley, Thomas John |
1803/09/01 |
Leycester, Henry |
1789/07/08 |
1794/10/07 |
Leydon, William |
1797/12/02 |
Liardet, William |
1814/12/23 |
Libby, Edward |
1797/13/22 |
Licorris, John |
1666 |
[? Lidale|Lidale, ?] |
1666 |
Lidcott, Leonard |
Liddall, William |
1665 |
Liddell, George |
1661 |
1665 |
Liddle, David |
1798/03/05 |
Liddle, John |
1802/04/10 |
Liddle, Stephen |
1798/07/04 |
Liddon, Matthew |
1811/05/03 |
Liell, Thomas |
1692/08/19 |
Liell, Thomas |
1761/04/07 |
Lienbergh, James |
1694/02/03 |
Lighterness, Alexander |
1798/06/28 |
Lighterness, James |
1790/03/10 |
1784/06/28 |
Lightfoot, Henry |
1790/12/24 |
1782/11/15 |
Lightfoot, John |
1665 |
Lightfoot, Paul |
1666 |
Lightfoot, Philip |
1666 |
Lihou, John |
1811/10/29 |
Like, John |
1780/04/24 |
Lilburne, James |
1798/07/02 |
1805/12/24 |
Lilburne, Richard |
1795/10/22 |
Lillicrap, James |
1793/10/30 |
1801/08/18 |
1810/10/21 |
Limbery, William |
1781/04/28 |
Limeburner, Thomas |
1750 |
1720/05/13 |
1840/07/11 |
Lincolne, James |
1746/10/04 |
Lind, James |
1778/01/25 |
1796/11/02 |
1804/03/06 |
Lind, James |
1815/02/07 |
Lind, John |
1744/01/04 |
Lind, Joseph |
1777/05/31 |
Lindesay, George |
1814/11/09 |
Lindesay, John |
1757/04/03 |
Lindsay, Alexander |
1799/01/12 |
Lindsay, Sir Charles |
1793/09/30 |
1797/03/06 |
Lindsay, George |
1759/08/20 |
1781/04/22 |
1790/09/21 |
Lindsay, James |
1711/05/17 |
Lindsay, James |
1815/02/13 |
Lindsay, Sir John |
1756/03/02 |
1757/04/04 |
1757/09/29 |
Lindsay, John |
1809/12/23 |
Lindsay, John |
1810/06/01 |
1814/08/27 |
Lindsay, Martin |
1778/01/25 |
1813/05/27 |
Lindsay, The Hon William |
1731/10/26 |
Lindsey, Michael |
1661 |
1665 |
Lindsey, William |
1694/10/16 |
1694/05/29 |
Lingard, John |
1815/03/11 |
Lingen, Joseph |
1752 |
1710/07/30 |
1728/07/26 |
1748 |
Linklater, Thomas |
1804/04/21 |
Linthorne, Thomas |
1779/05/17 |
1798/01/02 |
Linthorne, Thomas |
1809/09/08 |
Linton, John |
1796/08/12 |
Linzee, Edward |
1792/03/06 |
1781/01/14 |
Linzee, John |
1768/10/13 |
1771/01/19 |
1777/02/16 |
Linzee, Richard |
1781/07/12 |
Linzee, Robert |
1761/01/29 |
1768/11/25 |
1770/10/03 |
Linzee, Samuel Hood |
1790/07/21 |
1793/11/05 |
1794/03/08 |
Lipson, Thomas |
1809/06/29 |
Lisle, Toby |
1719 |
1709/09/02 |
Lisle, Trevelyan |
1758/02/01 |
Lisle, William |
1728/01/16 |
Lisle, William |
1752/01/26 |
1728/01/16 |
1740/05/28 |
Liston, Andrew |
1815/02/09 |
Litchfield, Henry |
1807/06/29 |
1813/07/12 |
Litchfield, John |
1804/08/25 |
Little, Charles |
1759/05/03 |
Little, Francis |
1810/07/30 |
Little, George |
1805/02/13 |
Little, James |
1835 |
1801/06/11 |
Little, James |
1806/08/15 |
Little, John |
1793/11/29 |
1799/08/01 |
Little, John |
1801/08/18 |
Little, Watkin William |
1812/04/17 |
Littlefaire, William |
1666 |
Littlefield, John |
1801/12/17 |
1759/08/06 |
Littlehales, Bendall Robert |
1790/09/21 |
1797/09/27 |
1800/05/15 |
1830/07/22 |
Littlejohn, Adam |
1780/03/31 |
Littlejohn, George |
1688/09/09 |
Littlejohn, William Hotham |
1811/06/18 |
Littleton, Edward |
1696/01/02 |
1692/02/17 |
Littleton, James |
1723/02/05 |
1693/02/27 |
Littleton, William |
1673 |
Littlewort, Richard |
1798/05/03 |
1778/09/09 |
Livesay, Thomas |
1802/03/07 |
Livingston, Sir Thomas |
1790/11/22 |
1796/12/26 |
1800/01/13 |
Llewhellin, Richard |
1758/12/07 |
Lloyd, Alexander Thomas |
1796/12/29 |
Lloyd, Charles |
1673 |
Lloyd, Charles |
1743/04/17 |
Lloyd, David |
1714 |
1677/09/18 |
Lloyd, David |
1695/09/15 |
Lloyd, David |
1788/05/04 |
1796/06/13 |
1799/03/01 |
Lloyd, Edward |
1855 |
1808/01/14 |
1811/05/08 |
Lloyd, Francis |
1747/08/19 |
Lloyd, Francis |
1793/10/06 |
Lloyd, Frederick |
1811/08/20 |
Lloyd, George |
1812/11/03 |
1815/11/08 |
Lloyd, Henry |
1792/11/15 |
1757/10/13 |
1768/05/26 |
1771/03/23 |
Lloyd, Henry |
1758/05/20 |
Lloyd, Henry |
1794/10/11 |
Lloyd, Howell |
1772/11/02 |
1778/10/02 |
1780/05/15 |
Lloyd, Hugh |
1760/07/08 |
Lloyd, James |
1761/02/08 |
1720/05/13 |
1739/08/30 |
Lloyd, James |
1782/01/24 |
Lloyd, James Llewin |
1799/08/08 |
Lloyd, James Simmons |
1795/08/20 |
Lloyd, John |
1664 |
Lloyd, John |
1748/09/14 |
1727/12/03 |
1745/05/30 |
Lloyd, John |
1778/03/08 |
1734/03/19 |
1746/09/04 |
Lloyd, John |
1805/06/08 |
1808/08/29 |
Lloyd, John |
1808/07/01 |
Lloyd, John |
1814/07/22 |
Lloyd, Richard |
1810/09/22 |
Lloyd, Robert |
1805/10/21 |
1790/11/13 |
1796/12/06 |
1799/12/06 |
Lloyd, Robert |
1797/01/13 |
Lloyd, Thomas |
1673 |
Lloyd, Thomas |
1756/03/02 |
Lloyd, Thomas |
1780/10/11 |
1764/09/17 |
1776/07/10 |
1778/07/24 |
Lloyd, Thomas |
1768/05/26 |
1778/04/17 |
1778/10/30 |
Lloyd, Thomas Henry |
1807/01/22 |
Lloyd, Vaughan |
1815/09/20 |
Lloyd, Whitworth |
1814/07/06 |
Lloyd, William |
1723/05/22 |
1699/03/16 |
1713/01/01 |
Lloyd, William |
1744/03/13 |
1747/07/18 |
1748/01/12 |
Lloyd, William |
1757/06/24 |
Lloyd, William |
1790/11/13 |
Lloyd, William |
1801/10/15 |
Lloyd, William |
1806/06/09 |
Lloyd, William Hynam |
1815/02/06 |
Loades, Edmund |
1707/10/23 |
1693/07/12 |
Loane, William |
1794/09/24 |
Lobb, Jacob |
1748/01/09 |
1757/12/23 |
Lobb, William |
Lobb, William Granville |
1777/12/27 |
1794/10/24 |
1795/09/01 |
Loch, Francis Erskine |
1806/01/22 |
1813/01/06 |
1814/09/29 |
Lochtie, Robert |
1814/05/30 |
Lock, Campbell |
1814/05/30 |
Lock, Charles |
1790/11/17 |
1796/09/22 |
Lock, James |
1665 |
Lock, James Ferguson |
1808/03/30 |
Lock, John |
1694/05/17 |
Lock, Nagle |
1812/11/20 |
1815/02/18 |
Lock, Richard |
1772/10/21 |
1778/11/24 |
Lock, Thomas |
1665 |
Locke, Walter |
1835 |
1778/02/01 |
1794/07/04 |
1795/09/22 |
Locker, William |
1756/07/04 |
1762/04/07 |
1768/05/26 |
Lockhart, Andrew |
1777/04/07 |
1810/05/30 |
Lockhart, Charles |
1815/03/14 |
Lockhart, William |
1800 |
1760/12/18 |
1777/11/07 |
1779/10/70 |
Lockwood, David |
1758/12/21 |
Lockwood, Richard |
1800/08/06 |
Lockyer, Nicholas |
1803/12/17 |
1806/09/25 |
1815/03/29 |
Lodder, Charles |
1808/05/06 |
Loeffs, Charles |
1743/08/24 |
Lofting, Samuel |
1734/03/13 |
1742/02/25 |
1744/06/28 |
Loftus, Arthur |
1813/06/14 |
Logan, Andrew |
1670 |
1666 |
Logan, Paulett |
1741/08/03 |
Loggie, Charles |
1776/03/29 |
Logie, Charles |
1759/02/13 |
Logie, Gustavus |
1775/12/30 |
Logie, James |
1779/01 |
1741/05/29 |
1756/03/23 |
1758/04/20 |
Lomax, John |
1678/04/30 |
London, Richard |
1665 |
1670 |
Loney, Henry |
1805/12/24 |
Loney, John Jenkins |
1807/08/11 |
Loney, Robert |
1812/05/08 |
Long, Charles |
1761 |
1741/05/13 |
Long, George |
1779/04/05 |
Long, George |
1794/07/25 |
1799/04/23 |
Long, Henry |
1723/12/12 |
1697/08/16 |
1706/09/17 |
Long, James |
1806/11/07 |
Long, Richard |
1664 |
Long, Richard |
1717 |
1697/12/04 |
Long, Richard Eyre |
1790/10/26 |
Long, Robert |
1666 |
1668 |
Long, Robert |
1771/07/06 |
1719/10/03 |
1727/03/21 |
1748 |
Long, Thomas |
1710/12/13 |
1696/01/27 |
Long, Walter |
1757/06/13 |
1779/08/30 |
Long, William |
1665 |
1673/02/03 |
Long, William |
1780 |
1740/03/04 |
1756/11/15 |
1760/02/22 |
Long, William |
1798/04/07 |
Longchamp, John |
1806/12/05 |
Longcroft, Edward |
1778/10/02 |
1782/04/23 |
1809/10/25 |
Longden, Sandys |
1727/04/20 |
Longford, Edward Michael |
1792/06/06 |
1761/08/12 |
1765/06/20 |
1766/05/31 |
Longueville, Sir Thomas |
1709/06/03 |
Lopdell, John |
1708/02/07 |
Lord, Anthony Eliss William |
1806/03/17 |
Lord, William Henry |
1797/05/23 |
Loring, Hector |
1848/03/08 |
9999 |
Loring, John |
1779/12/03 |
1793/05/16 |
Loring, John Wentworth |
1794/05/24 |
1799/01/03 |
1802/04/28 |
Loring, Joseph Royal |
1792/10/16 |
1779/02/17 |
Loring, Joshua |
1781 |
1745/05/23 |
1756/03/13 |
1757/12/19 |
Lort, George |
1756/11/12 |
Losack, George |
1778/04/18 |
1781/07/19 |
1790/11/22 |
Losack, Woodley |
1793/12/23 |
1801/07/31 |
1806/01/22 |
Loten, James |
1794/06/23 |
Loud, Richard |
Louden, William |
1812/08/18 |
Loughten, JOhn |
1741/02/21 |
Louis, Charles Belfield |
1835 |
1811/08/01 |
9999 |
Louis, Sir John |
1801/04/21 |
1801/04/21 |
1806/01/22 |
Louis, Sir Thomas |
1777/07/18 |
1781/04/09 |
1783/01/20 |
Lound, Sherard Philip |
1811/04/24 |
Loutted, Duncan |
1799/07/05 |
Love, Henry |
1812/11/03 |
Love, Henry Ommanney |
1714/06/27 |
Love, Robert |
1801/03/13 |
Love, Tobias |
1778/05/30 |
Love, William |
1794/04/16 |
Loveday, Edward |
1815/03/08 |
Loveday, Francis |
1778/06/16 |
Lovelace, Paul |
1741/03/06 |
Loveless, Bassett Jones |
1811/02/02 |
Loveless, James |
1815/02/08 |
Lovell, John |
1795/05/11 |
Lovell, Mathew |
1799/97/15 |
Lovell, Philip Cranmer |
1815/02/14 |
Lovell, Thomas |
1672 |
Lovell, William |
1781/07/06 |
Lovesay, Thomas |
1811/01/05 |
Lovett, John |
1758/02/20 |
1734/03/02 |
1741/06/11 |
1741/11/16 |
Loving, John |
1739/11/16 |
1745/01/12 |
Lovitt, William |
1810/07/26 |
Low, John |
1673 |
Low, John Mcarthur |
1810/02/07 |
Low, Robert |
1815/02/07 |
Lowcay, George |
1815/02/16 |
Lowcay, Henry |
1799/01/07 |
1813/10/29 |
Lowcay, Loftus |
1811/10/07 |
Lowcay, Robert |
1815/02/07 |
Lowder, John |
1760/04/02 |
1807/10/12 |
Lowe, Abraham |
1794/11/24 |
1807/10/13 |
1814/06/07 |
Lowe, George |
1797/03/23 |
Lowe, Gower |
1848/09/28 |
9999 |
Lowe, John |
1778/05/28 |
Lowe, Joseph |
1815/03/15 |
Lowe, Patrick |
1801/09/01 |
Lowe, Patrick |
1809/03/09 |
Lowe, Thomas |
1800/03/24 |
Lowen, John |
1711/09/30 |
1703/10/01 |
Lowen, Thomas |
1796/01/25 |
Lower, Edward |
1756/11/15 |
Lowfield, William |
1745/06/19 |
Lowley, Miles |
1778/11/27 |
Lowndes, Richard |
1748/01/27 |
Lowry, James |
1847/10/08 |
1802/01/28 |
9999 |
Lowsay, William |
1809/03/25 |
Lowthian, Robert |
1799/11/02 |
1799/11/02 |
Loyde, David |
1697/07/24 |
1694/10/30 |
Luard, Sir William Garnham |
1820/04/07 |
1910/04/19 |
Lucas, Charles |
1773/03/23 |
1743/06/20 |
1756/11/15 |
1758/10/18 |
Lucas, Francis |
1769/04/05 |
Lucas, James Owen |
1793/09/25 |
Lucas, John |
1673 |
Lucas, John |
1782/04/24 |
Lucas, John |
1807/05/28 |
Lucas, John |
1810/10/23 |
Lucas, Mark Robinson |
1799/03/28 |
Lucas, Richard |
1788/11/19 |
1782/04/14 |
Lucas, Robert |
1815/02/15 |
Lucas, Thomas |
1797/09/05 |
Lucas, William |
1793/09/18 |
Luce, John |
1758/10/18 |
Luce, John |
1793/11/19 |
1793/11/19 |
Luce, William |
1814/03/16 |
Luck, James |
1730/12/21 |
1720/05/29 |
Luck, John |
1776/11/30 |
1781/09/23 |
1809/10/25 |
Luckomb, Philip |
1811/03/14 |
Luckraft, Alfred |
1810/09/03 |
Luckraft, John |
1802/03/29 |
Luckraft, William |
1807/12/11 |
Ludman, Bernard |
1665 |
1666 |
Lugg, William |
1848/11/02 |
1806/11/08 |
9999 |
Luke, George |
1790/09/21 |
1794/11/03 |
Luke, George |
1801/11/16 |
1814/07/08 |
Luke, William |
1777/08/01 |
1782/12/11 |
1790/11/22 |
Lukey, Patherick |
1757/11/25 |
Lukin, William |
1793/10/18 |
1794/11/11 |
1795/11/28 |
Lumley, George |
1710/09/20 |
1694/05/23 |
1706/09/17 |
Lumley, Henry |
1720 |
1693/03/22 |
Lumley, John Richard |
1801/08/13 |
1805/01/12 |
1808/09/14 |
Lumley, Thomas |
1782 |
1778/07/03 |
1780/07/25 |
1781/04/25 |
Lumley, William |
1735/04/18 |
Lumsdaine, George |
1776/07/13 |
1781/07/15 |
1787/12/01 |
Lundin, John |
1794/04/03 |
Lunn, John |
1703/03/06 |
Lunt, Peter |
1664 |
Lurchen, John |
1797/07/31 |
Lurcock, William |
1759/08/23 |
Luscombe, Edward |
1810/12/03 |
Luscombe, Samuel |
Lushington, Franklyn |
1743/02/23 |
1728/01/16 |
1739/06/24 |
Lusk, George |
1802/04/29 |
Lusk, Joseph |
1808/02/12 |
Luther, William |
1728/01/16 |
Lutman, Charles |
1815/02/18 |
Lutman, William |
1810/10/09 |
Luttrell, The Hon James |
1789 |
1770/02/02 |
1781/02/23 |
Luttrell, John |
1758/10/10 |
1761/03/04 |
1762/08/25 |
Lutwidge, Henry Thomas |
1800/09/06 |
Lutwidge, Sir Skeffington |
1759/08/15 |
1771/01/21 |
1773/10/15 |
Lux, John |
1757/09/21 |
Lyall, William |
1793/10/30 |
1803/08/30 |
1804/12/27 |
Lydcott, Leonard |
Lyde, George |
1814/09/09 |
Lydiard, Charles |
1793/11/25 |
1796/07/22 |
1801/01/01 |
Lye, William James |
1802/01/15 |
1806/01/31 |
1806/05/22 |
Lyford, Henry James |
1799/03/16 |
1804/05/08 |
1813/12/04 |
Lynch, Stephen |
1762/07/17 |
Lyndon, Chadwick |
1776/08/01 |
Lyne, Kerry |
1707/01/31 |
Lyne, Philip |
1794/07/26 |
1802/04/29 |
Lyne, Thomas |
1793/10/12 |
1802/04/29 |
Lyne, Thomas Jones |
1848/02/01 |
1794/11/28 |
9999 |
Lynn, Charles Seymour |
1790/09/29 |
1777/04/28 |
Lynn, Francis |
1755/03/15 |
1761/10/26 |
Lynn, Thomas |
1781 |
1747/01/20 |
1756/04/06 |
1756/11/10 |
Lynne, Henry |
1794/03/11 |
1811/04/18 |
Lynne, Thomas |
1791/06/18 |
Lynne, Thomas |
1793/10/12 |
Lyon, Boswell |
1746/01/25 |
Lyon, Edward |
1799/11/02 |
Lyon, Francis |
1814/11/18 |
Lyon, George Francis |
1814/07/30 |
Lyon, Scroop |
1718/09/17 |
Lyon, Simon |
1705/05/31 |
Lyons, Edmund |
1809/11/22 |
1812/03/21 |
1814/06/07 |
Lyons, John |
1805/12/24 |
1814/06/27 |
Lys, James |
1760/06/07 |
1778/04/29 |
Lys, James |
1776/11/30 |
1810/02/16 |
Lys, James Cades |
1794/08/01 |
Lysaght, Arthur |
1802/08/03 |
1806/01/22 |
1806/09/25 |
Lysaght, Thomas H |
1849/01/10 |
9999 |
Lytcott, John |
1697/06/04 |
1693/01/23 |
Lyttelton, Hugh |
1739/12/05 |
Note: Dates in italics are the date of promotion to Superannuated (retired) Commander or Captain
Last Updated :2008/10/15 at 18:46:40 by Cy
British Officers L
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