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Battle of Zante

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

Battle of Zante

August 1st 1717

Venetian data source:

Turkish source:

French source:

__MSRS denotes __venetian ships.

__HTSS__ denotes ottoman ships.







The Fleets at The Battle of Zante

The Van (divisione blu)-capitano straordinario Marcantonio Diedo

1MSRS Madonna dell'Arsenale
2MSRS Costanza Guerriera
3MSRS Trionfoflagship

4MSRS Lion Trionfante
5MSRS San Francesco
6MSRS Aquila Valiera
7MSRS Fenice
8MSRS Sant Andrea
9MSRS Gloria Veneta
The Centre (divisione gialla)

10MSRS San Pietro
11MSRS Aqila Volante
12MSRS Terror
13MSRS Fede Guerriera
14MSRS Nettuno
15MSRS Corona
16MSRS Madonna della Salute
17MSRS San Pio V
18MSRS Sacra Lega
The Rear (divisione rossa)

19MSRS Valor Coronato
20MSRS San Gaetano
21MSRS Rosa Moceniga
22MSRS Venezia Trionfante
23MSRS Colomba di Pace
24MSRS Fortuna Guerriera
25MSRS Grand'Allessandro
26MSRS San Lorenzo Giustinian


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