
Battle of Fladestrand

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

Battle of Fladestrand

Apr 11th 1712


From Wikipedia:

This inconclusive battle took place on 11 April 1712 near Fladestrand, Jylland, between Swedish and Danish forces. It was part of the Great Northern War.


The Swedish fleet, under Sjöblad, consisted of 7 ships with 330 guns, and the Danish fleet, under Knoff, consisted of 5 ships with 158 guns. The battle lasted about 2 hours. Denmark suffered 44 casualties.




Danish data source:

Swedish source:

__RDNS denotes __danish ships.

__HSMS__ denotes swedish ships.



1RDNS FyenKnoff52HSMS Fredrikaadm Sjoeblad52
2RDNF Raae30HSMS Kalmar46
3RDNF Soridderen28HSMS Stettin46
4RDNF Leoparden24HSMS Elfsborg42
5RDNF Lossen24HSMS Warberg42/52
6HSMF Charlotte38
7HSMF Stenbock36

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