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Page history last edited by ManuBlasco 14 years, 11 months ago



For each deck, (from lower to upper) will list guns number (#) and sizes (lbs), always in ship's national pounds.



Guns Total number of guns aboard, carronades/obusiers/sea howitzers excluded.
Date Year of the gun's report (1805-oct-21).
# Number of guns and/or carronades in deck. (see special guns type below)
lbs Deck gun´s size (36,24,32,12,...) always in ship´s national pounds. (see special guns type/size, below)
Fires Ship's fire power, total amount of national ship's pounds & kilos equivalence in braquets.
Source Data source's code Sources.


Special guns types/sizes All guns sizes (lbs) are considered to be long Example
Bronze guns Will be denoted by a b after gun's number (#) 30b
Short guns Will be denoted by an s after gun's size (lbs) 30s
Carronades Will be denoted by a c after gun's size (lbs) 36c
Spanish obusiers Obus will be denote by an o after gun's size (lbs) 36o
Spanish pedreros Will be denoted by a p after gun's size (lbs) 4p
French Sea Howitzer Obusier de mer will be denoted by an h after gun's size (lbs) 36h



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