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Anglo-Dutch Wars

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Anglo-Dutch Wars - Naval Battles (1652-1674)

Battles of the First Anglo-Dutch War (1652-1654)

JulianBattleSide 1Side 2Winner
1652-May-09Battle of Dover
1652-Aug-26Battle of Plymouth
1652-Aug-07Battle of Elba
1652-Oct-18Battle of Kentish Knock
1652-Dec-20Battle of Dungeness
1653-Mar-10Battle of Portland
1653-Mar-14Battle of Livorno
1653-Jun-22Battle of the Gabbard
1653-Aug-18Battle of Scheveningen

Battles of the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1654)

JulianBattleSide 1Side 2Winner
1665-Jan-08British action against Dutch merchant
1665-Jun-23Battle of Lowestoft
1665-Aug-12Battle of Vagen
1666-May-30Battle of NevisNe & FrNe & Fr
1666-Jun-11Four Days Battle
1666-Aug-04St James Day Battle
1667-Jun-09Raid on the Medway
1667-Jun-25Battle of Martinique

Battles of the Third Anglo-Dutch War (1672-1674)

JulianBattleSide 1Side 2Winner
1672-Mar-13Battle of Smyrna Convoy
1672-Jun-07Battle of SolebayGB & Fr
1673-Jun-02Battle of SchooneveldGB & Fr
1673-Jun-14Battle of SchooneveldGB & Fr
1673-Aug-21Battle of TexelGB & Fr

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