Page history
last edited
by ManuBlasco 14 years, 10 months ago
3 Decks Acceptable Use Policy
Naval Warfare History Wiki in the Golden Age of Sailing (1650-1850)
- You have been given writting acess to the 3decks wiki site.
- You can use to practice with the editor the following test page: http://3decks.pbwiki.com/Test+Page
- You can use also the comment tool (at the bottom of each page) to leave opinions or doubts from a specific page.
- There are ship's templates for each nation to easily fill the data.
- There are tags & folders to group & organize pages. Each page can be at 1 folder and has 1 o more tags.
- Any questions you can email the administrators (members).
What is a Wiki?
- Wiki is a public website tool for collaborative writing and data sharing.
- Every allowed user (with permissions), can edit or create any page on the wiki.
- Editing and creating is very simple, as a small text editor.
- Adds a powerfull text search engine (right-upper corner).
- Also, record changes, so a page can be reverted to any of its previous states.
The purpose of this site:
- This is 1 person 100 years lifetime project. Instead we chase to become 100 persons 1 year project.
- This website has non profite or economic purpose at all.
- There are many books about sailing naval warfare that we can not buy or even read because of time and/or language.
- Our goal is to share all the data and history we find/know about naval warfare.
Rules & Norms for publishing:
- English, for beeing the most international language, will be the standard of this wiki.
- Accents will be omitted from all names and english characters will be used as much as possible.
- Dates will be in Gregorian calendar style, ordered by year, month and day (1805-oct-21, 1805-10-21).
- Numbers (weitgh, length,...) will be written in english format. 1,265.74
- Units will be written as in the original source (ft.) and metrical (meters & kilos) in between parenthesis. 210' (59.82)
- Names of ships, places and people will be written in english, if possible, or with english characters.
- Each ship's page has his own national prefix to identify him, use the templates when creating one, is much easier.
- Spanish spelling rules:
- Will use a double n (nn) instead of an ñ.
- Ships called Nuestra Señora will be abreviated as N S.
- Portuguese spellling rules:
- Ships called Nossa Senhora will be abreviated as N S.
Want to collaborate?
- We please members to follow the data structure and methodology of workstyle as much as possible.
- The web is divided in nations & sections. There may be a member responsable, at least of one.
- This is done to avoid overwritting between members.
- We encourage members to collaborate among them, share data on nations & sections.
- Always record sources of data, if possible.
- Members can write when they can/want, we all have a job and a family.
How can I collaborate?
- Comments button (one in each page) maybe usefull for visitors collaboration and notes.
- Searching the web for data from other sites (webs, forums,...).
- Using personal or public libraries to look for data.
- E-mail section's responsable with data to be published.
- Anybody who loves sailing warfare is welcome to join us.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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