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1st Battle of Rugen

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

1st Battle of Rugen

July 31st 1712



The inconclusive battle.



Danish data source:

Swedish source:

__RDNS denotes __danish ships.

__HSMS__ denotes swedish ships.



1RDNS DitmarskenSehested46HSMF StralsundHenck30
2RDNC Kongens Jagt Krone24HSMF Anklam30
3RDNUR Ark Noa16 HSMF St Thomas30
4RDNUR Ebenetzer15HSMF St Johannes30
5RDNUR Helleflynder14HSMC Witduve22
6HSMUR Jomfruen18
7HSMUR Sjoekane I8
8HSMUR Sjoekane II8
1311 transports


|Swedish kreiert scuttled 2/3 August, captured by Danes 5/6 August and fought on their side during the 2nd Battle of Rugen

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